Make a Coin Appear in Your Hand

This is a very simple and cool trick that can be done in a small group of friends and relatives. A magician shows a coin to the audience, then his empty hands. He walks up to a random person and hands him the coin along with a marker saying "Please sign the coin". Then the magician goes back to the stage, gets out a paper towel and puts the coin in there wrapping the towel back around it. Everyone can clearly see that the coin has marker signature on it. Magician says some magic words, then opens the paper towel back up. The coin has vanished! Magician shows that his hands are empty, flicks them and the signed coin appears. He gives the coin to the person who signed it, who recognizes his own signature.


  1. Before performing, Make sure that you are well prepared. Get two identical coins and put a random mark on one of them with a marker. Sew a small secret pocket to the front side to your suit. It should be about as big as your coin and should be unnoticeable. Now, get two-layer paper towel. Make a small pocket inside of the layers.
  2. Hide the marked coin behind the clear coin. When on stage, try to make two coins look like one. Put the coins down and show audience that there is nothing in your hands.
  3. Grab the coins back and hide the marked one in your secret pocket so no one notices. Walk up to a random person and ask him to sign the front side of the second coin you're holding.
  4. Walk back and while doing that replace two coins so you have the fake signed one. Turn around and get out a paper towel. Show the marked coin to everyone. From far away, audience can see that coin is marked, but they can't read the signature so they assume that it is the same coin that the person signed.
  5. Get out the paper towel and put the coin in the secret paper pocket. Make sure that it is in there good and won't fall out if you turn it upside down. Wrap the rest of paper towel around it, say some magic words, then unwrap it. Show the audience that it is empty and wave it so they see that nothing falls out.
  6. Show the audience that your hands are empty. Do a very quick flick towards the secret pocket in your suit. Cover your right hand with your left, get the coin out with the tip of your right thumb (requires practice so audience doesn't see the coin's appearance) and flick it back up making a fist and putting the coin in it. This has to be done very fast.
  7. Open your hand and show the coin to everyone. Walk back to the person who signed it and hand it to him.
  8. Finished.


  • Be very artistic and funny.
  • Practice the appearance of the coin in front of the mirror. Start out slow and gradually build up speed.
  • It is recommended that your suit and pocket are black so they blend and audience doesn't see them.
  • Use small and thinner coins so when you put them together they actually look like one and audience has no idea that there are two.
  • Do not let the audience see the marked coin!
  • To make more effect and distract the audience you can make a "magic" wand and wave it massively before the coin's appearance. Hold your other hand still and do some fake flicks after which you open your hand up and show it to them.
  • If your paper towel doesn't have layers, simply glue the pocket to it.


  • Never tell the secret.
  • Practice and only perform when you get it perfect. But in case if you mess up develop a plan before performing. Make it seem like trick was actually supposed to fail.

Things You'll Need

  • 2 coins
  • Paper towel with a secret pocket
  • Suit with a secret pocket
  • A marker

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