Make a Tramp Scooter

This article will help you know how to create a tramp scooter if you're bored at home or are ready to learn new tricks. (Finger whip, Double/Triple whip, Inward bri, ETC.)You will need a scooter,a piece of foam for the bottom of your deck, tape, tennis ball, long socks, rubber bands.


  1. First you might want to take off your bars. You don't have to, but it will help. After you've taken off you bars take off your wheels too.
  2. The first thing you need to do is take a sock and wrap it around the drop outs on your deck. Make sure to to get the sides and the tip of it. Secure the sock with you rubber bands. Tightly wrap the sock with tape.
  3. After you have completed step 2, you should have your deck and your forks left. The first thing to do is put the foam on the bottom of the deck. Go back and forth over the deck and the foam with your roll of tape 2 or 3 times.
  4. Now for the forks. What you need to do is take your tennis ball and cut two slits in it so you can slide the forks into the slit. Tape the tennis ball to the forks after you slide the forks into the tennis ball.
  5. Now all you have to do is put your bars back on and go have some fun. Check for sharp bits on the scooter and make sure it is safe. It can be dangerous if not done right.