Make a Wrapped Wire Bracelet

This simple bracelet is surprisingly easy to make. All you need is wire, beads, pliers, and a little bit of twisting. You can make several using different colors for the wire and beads in a short period of time.


  1. Understand the Characteristics of Wire or memory wire, which is long enough to wrap around your wrist.
  2. Bend the wire into a loop roughly the size of your wrist.
  3. Bend one end of the wire into a loop with the round nosed pliers.
  4. Bend the other end of the wire into a hook at 90° to the loop (see picture). If you are using memory wire you can replace this with another loop as it does not need to be fastened.
  5. Cut a piece of coloured wire about twice the length of the thick wire.
  6. Wrap the coloured wire around one end of the thick wire five or six times, keeping the loops close together.
  7. Thread a bead onto the coloured wire.
  8. Wrap the coloured wire around twice to hold the bead on top on the thick wire.
  9. Keep threading beads and wrapping until you reach the end of the bracelet.
  10. Wrap the coloured wire tightly around the thick wire a few times then cut off any excess wire, ensuring that sharp ends are tucked down.
  11. Finished.


  • Don't be afraid to experiment with colours, tightness of wire, number of beads etc. Be creative!


  • Cut wire is sharp and can at least hurt when wearing it or even cut you. Round off the sharp edges with an emery board, nail file, or rub the ends on concrete to smooth them.
  • Eye protection is recommended when cutting the wire as a precaution against the ends of the wire hitting your eye.

Things You'll Need

  • Fairly thick/strong wire (20 gauge is about right) or memory wire
  • Thin coloured wire (28 gauge)
  • Beads
  • Wire cutters
  • Round nosed pliers

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