Make an Airsoft Gun out of a Nerf Gun

This is how to make a cool airsoft gun out of a Nerf gun. Note: the bigger the gun the better; a pump Nerf gun gives you more fps (feet per sec).


  1. Get a Nerf gun; any will do.
  2. Get a Nerf Dart (the ammo for Nerf gun) and pull the end off of it. You will have a foam tube.
  3. Get a Bic pen and use pliers to take out the back and front so you have a tube.
  4. Stick the Bic pen tube into the foam tube; nearly half of the pen should be covered by the dart.
  5. Place the dart end into the barrel, push down on the dart as far as you can, then push the pen tube into the barrel.
  6. Cock and shoot nothing a few times to ensure that it doesn't fall out.
  7. Cock and shoot at your hand, if air pressure is present, good job!


  • The pen tube will stay in better if the tape on the end is crumpled a little.
  • You can paint your gun black like a normal Airsoft gun if you want, but to stay legal leave the orange tip.
  • Make sure you don't hit anyone unless you are in an Airsoft war.

Things You'll Need

  • Nerf gun (any)
  • Pen medium
  • Tape (any)
  • Ammo (anything that fits well in the pen tube)

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