Make the Best of Your Teenage Years

Some of the most important and remembered years of your life will be your teenage and college years. Make them a good memory! By following the tips below, not only will you be having a blast now, but you will be happy to know that your teen and college years were spent well.


  1. Be aware that the most important thing in your future will be your education. It's very crucial to try your best to make good grades, and push yourself to as far as you think you can go. If you feel overloaded, don't give yourself more than you can handle. Some parents put pressure on their kids to do well, and if you feel this is happening to you, try talking with your parents or a guidance counselor. Maybe they have different expectations of you, and you need to make it clear if you want a different future than they have planned for you. I recommend keeping a planner and writing due dates, tests, and your daily homework in it. It can really help you keep track of everything and will keep you very organized. Get a tutor if you need one, and choose classes that are appealing to you, not just what your friends want. With good grades and a positive attitude, you could get into a college, which will help a LOT with your future. Many kids drop out of high school-- DON'T. You'll regret it a lot later. If you have dreams, do everything you can do accomplish them. You'll be proud of yourself. If you are in college, start out with a lighter work load and build up. Try to go into a major that you enjoy and it might lead you into some type of job. If you are still undecided, try to take classes you like in your A.A or B.A degree, but still try to have a path. Same as high school. College students will be having a lot more homework than high school, but if you treat it like a high school schedule, it is really not that intimidating. Avoid putting too much pressure on yourself all at once. Try to separate issues of friends and family from studies, it's difficult but if you can learn to do it early it will become easier later.
  2. Be healthy. It's important to keep yourself clean and healthy. Shower daily. Don't put too many chemicals on your body. Brush your teeth twice a day. Floss. Wash your face. Lots of kids get pimples in their teen years, most can be solved by washing your face often or dabbing some pimple cream on it. Vitamins may help with acne too and other things as well. You can hide them with cover-up. If you have out of control acne, see a dermatologist. Make the right choices when eating. If you get enough exercise doing the activities you enjoy, and eat only when you're hungry and stop when you're full, you will be at the ideal weight for YOU. Eating disorders and obesity are common issues for teens. Don't eat when you are bored, eat when you are actually having a growling stomach. See a doctor if you are uncomfortable about your weight. They can help you develop a healthy and SAFE alternative. Wear clean clothes that you like and that are comfortable. Wear deodorant if you sweat, and if you wear makeup, be sure to wash it off before you go to sleep. Keep things natural, that's the key to makeup.
  3. Be nice to everyone. Be friendly and polite. A good way to meet new friends is to compliment someone, which usually results in a smile. Try to start a conversation and see if you have anything in common. It's really not as scary as it sounds! Most people want to make new friends, too, they're just too shy to strike up a conversation. Make the first move!
  4. Find a hobby. Everyone is passionate about something. Books, fashion, sports, music, etc. If you don't know what you love, try lots of different things until you find something that clicks. Then, learn as much as you can about it and practice it a lot! Before you know it, you will be an expert at whatever you love. It always gives you something to do, and people like people who have interests.
  5. Be Yourself. Many teens feel peer pressure to be like everyone else. Sometimes it's as simple as saying the cool slang words or shopping at the same stores or listening to the same music as the "popular kids". Define yourself as an individual. Everyone is made different, even the most identical twins. If you choose to listen to the mainstream pop out there and watch the cool shows, go ahead. But if you choose to be more alternative and non-conformist, go ahead too. Many new trendsetters were people that didn't conform. Think of Elvis. He was wearing pink and black with rhinestones; that was considered dorky, but in a few years, the cool kids were wearing it. People will appreciate you much more. Some peer pressure is much more extreme. It depends on what you are comfortable with and believe in before you have sex. It's a very serious decision, and has very serious consequences. The only sure way not to get pregnant or get an STD is abstinence. Even condoms, etc. are not 100% safe. If you do have sex, use protection, and be smart. Get to know the person before you do anything. Be careful about parties. Keep an eye on your drink.. Talk with a counselor, even if you're not going through anything difficult at the time. When you ARE (and you will) you'll be glad you have someone to talk to.
  6. Have a good group of friends that you like. Don't try to be popular, it's not really as great as you imagine. Don't make friends with people who engage in illegal activities. Make plans with your friends often, keep yourself busy.
  7. If you want a boyfriend/girlfriend, get one. They're fun to have, but not everybody wants one or is ready for one. Wait until you're ready.


  • There are many other wikiHow articles that can relate further into this subject. If you need help on bringing up your grades, being healthy, making friends, finding a hobby, being safe, etc. search them on wikiHow and there are a number of great resources. Thank you for reading, and I hope I helped! Feel free to edit.

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