Match Rev Downshift a Motorcycle
Downshifting a motorcycle can be accomplished in several ways. First, you can simply pop it down a gear without using the clutch by putting a little pressure on the shifter and closing the throttle. This method is not particularly recommended as it is hard on the bike. Second, you can pull the clutch in, select the next gear, then let the clutch out slowly to smooth the transition. Perhaps the best method, though, is the matched rev downshift method described below.
- You will have to be used to using the front brake with only one or two fingers in order to downshift this way. It is best to use your index and middle fingers to brake while keeping your ring and pinky fingers on the throttle.
- After you begin braking, pull in the clutch and select the next gear like you would normally.
- Here is the tricky part. Still holding the clutch in, use the palm of your hand and/or your ring and pinky fingers to rev the engine slightly.
- Remember to keep braking smoothly with your index and middle fingers.
- When the engine is revved up slightly, let the clutch back out to engage the next gear. The goal here is to match the revolutions of the engine to what they need to be to travel the same speed in the lower gear. This smooths the transition between gears and eliminates the need to slip the clutch quite as much.
- If the bike jerks forward when you let the clutch out the engine was turning too fast. Don't rev it as much next time.
- If the bike rapidly slows, the engine wasn't turning fast enough so you need to rev it more before releasing the clutch.
- Repeat each time you shift down a gear. This technique is especially useful in the lower gears, which generally have a wider gap between gear ratios.
- Finished.
- Practice makes perfect. If you don't get this right away, keep trying, eventually it becomes second nature.
- If you are just learning to ride, I would recommend learning to brake with two fingers, but not worrying about this method of downshifting until you are more comfortable on the bike.
- Find an empty lot or road with little traffic when first learning this technique, or any other new maneuver on a motorcycle for that matter.
- Do not practice shifting techniques while turning, if you cause the bike to jerk during the shift you could throw yourself out of balance and potentially crash. It's best to practice while going straight and level.
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