Meet New People on Facebook

Admit - there's always going to be that person that keeps popping up on the "People You May Know" list on Facebook. Of course, you don't actually personally know that person, but you do want to meet them. But how do you do so on Facebook without coming off as a creep or a stalker? You want them to accept for friend request, not deny it. Well here's an easy way how!


  1. Determine why you want to meet new people. Are you looking to date them or do you want to get some new friends who live near you?
  2. Log into Facebook. Dig through the "Suggestions" section which can be found on the right column.
  3. Look at all the people's pictures. Does anyone seem appealing or interesting to you?
  4. Press the "Add as Friend" button. A little blue and white screen will pop up saying "Add [Person's Name] As A Friend?"
  5. Click on "Add a Personal Message." This option can be found on the bottom right of the little screen. Adding a message makes the person more likely to accept.
  6. Write whatever you want, just try not to sound sketchy. Say something like "Hey, I'm [Name]. I heard that you were in my area and I just wanted to say hello."
  7. Send the friend request! Don't be shy! The worst that can happen is they will reject your request.
  8. Begin making small talk once they accepted. You can write on their wall or you can talk to them via pop-up chat.
  9. Arrange a time to meet once you've begun getting more friendly. Be sure to meet in a public area like the mall or an amusement park for the first time and not one of your houses.
  10. Enjoy your new Facebook friends!


  • Do not flood the person with messages or act clingy. People will run away from you.
  • A good way to see if they are who they appear to be is by asking friends you share in common. When you are on the said stranger's wall, look at the mutual friends, and see which of your friends is their friend. Ask that person about the stranger to learn a bit about them. Don't come off as a stalker to your friend; just tell them you would like to know who they are.


  • Be extremely cautious about meeting people online. People can be anyone they want on the internet, and their pictures may even be fake.

Things You'll Need

  • Facebook Account

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