Open a Tight Jar

How to open a jar with a lid that's stuck or too tight.


  1. Turn the jar upside down.
  2. Tilt it slightly to the side (left).
  3. Tap the corner of the jar lid on a hard surface.
  4. Tilt the jar slightly in the opposite direction (right) & tap it again.
  5. Tilt the jar away from you, tap again.
  6. Then tilt it toward you, and tap it once more.
  7. Turn the jar upright, and the lid should twist off very easily now.
  8. If the tapping method doesn't work, wrap a wide rubber band around the edge of the jar lid to provide better grip.
  9. If this does not work you can put it upside down in a bowl of hot water. This will ease the lid and then should just easily pop off!


  • The lid tapping method can be done in less than 2 seconds if you continually tap the lid while tilting the jar in a circular motion.
  • After tapping the lid 5-6 times wear rubber cleaning glove and twist lid. It will open immediately.


  • Don't tap the jar lid too hard, especially with glass jars. Light taps are sufficient to help break the seal.

Things You'll Need

  • A jar with a stuck lid
  • A hard surface (wood, stone, metal, etc.)
  • Rubber band (optional)

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