Organize a Class Reunion

People like to plan class reunions because it celebrates life's successes of your fellow graduates and reconnects you with old classmates. Here are some things you can do to plan a reunion that can create memories to last a lifetime.


  1. Assemble a reunion committee. Select people that will go the extra mile to ensure the reunion is a great success. Appoint one person to set up conferences and set up meeting agendas. Appoint a second person to oversee the financial sector of the reunion.
  2. Don't ever underestimate the work involved in planning a reunion. Share your work with your committee members that you assemble. Usually, there are lots and lots of details that are necessary and must be worked out.
  3. Start planning your reunion one year before the actual date. Some locations where you may be interested in may require up to one year in advance in booking. Also you need the time because some of your fellow graduates may live very far away and need to clear time to attend your reunion on the specific date.
  4. Meet with your reunion committee members at least once a month in person or conference call to discuss details of your reunion that you plan. During the meetings divide the activities that you plan into work groups.
  5. Design a budget. You'll have make decisions on how much are you going to charge to cover expenses on various items.
  6. Plan your class reunion on a weekend, specifically on a Friday or a Saturday and do it in late summer or early fall.
  7. Plan activities that can have an impact on your reunion. It might be a good idea to plan a few speeches, do a tribute to classmates that have passed away over the years. But allocate most of the reunion to free socializing. Another great attraction is a slide show in one corner of the room. If you want dancing to your reunion play music relative to your generation.
  8. On the day of your reunion make sure all your guests are properly registered.


  • Your reunion can be a success if your committee is well organized and positioned.
  • Invite a person of complete mystery to your reunion, maybe a teacher or a student turned celebrity.


  • Some past students may not want to come.

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