Perform a Vitamin E Oil Face Treatment

As you grow older, your skin ages. But thankfully, you can use natural methods to help your appearance. Many medical treatments (Botox which is harmful for health, Dermabrasion, Microdermabrasion, Chemical Peels, face lifts which can be dangerous, and more) work and some are harmful for your health and dangerous. Many medical treatments can be costly. Fortunately, there are many natural procedures to limit wrinkles, lines, and make your face look younger. Vitamin E kills free radicals (a type of skin damage) [1] and improves overall appearance and best of all, it's natural.


  1. Obtain a bottle or a few a capsules of Vitamin E Oil.  The higher the IU (international units), the stronger it is.  Try getting a 56,000 IU, but any number in the thousands will work for the oil (but the lower it is, it's not as good).
  2. Make sure your face is clean and dry.  The oil will be less effective on your face if it is dirty. If it is wet, the oil won't go on your face. Also, be sure there is no makeup on your face because this creates a barrier on your face.
  3. Make sure your hair is pulled back (if you have long hair or if it goes on your face). You don't want your hair to be in the way. To do this, you can use a hair tie or use a Put Hair in a Hair Clip.
  4. Apply it to your face.  You can use a brush or tissue to apply it to your face (optional). To apply capsules, open with a pin and rub oil on face. Leave it on for at least 15 or more minutes. (Note: Vitamin E Oil can be thick and greasy.)
  5. Rinse off the oil from your face.  If it doesn't come off, you can wash your face using a cleanser. You can use Baby Shampoo or a Baby Facial Wash on your face in place of a cleanser because it is gentler.
  6. After cleansing, you can use a toner (optional). Toners contain astringents, which are generally alcohol-based, tighten the skin and pores and remove excess oil.[2] They also remove any dirt that you missed when cleansing. Try not to use a toner with too much alcohol, as this can be very harsh and drying to your face.
  7. Dry your face with a clean towel or cloth. Make sure you wash your towel(s) or cloth(s) 2-3 times a month.
  8. Apply a moisturizer (optional). This is to hydrate your face after washing or rinsing and after using a toner (if you used a toner) on your face. Moisturizers restore any moisture you stripped off during the previous steps. Even if your skin is oily. It is still good to finish up with a moisturizer so your skin doesn't compensate for dehydrated skin and produce excess oil.[3]


  • It is recommended to use a moisturizer after, because the treatment can be a bit harsh on the face.
  • The higher the International Units, the better the Vitamin E oil is (for your skin).
  • It is recommended to use a toner because it removes excess oil, shrinks pores, tightens the skin, closes pores, and does much more for your face.[4]
  • Exfoliating your face unclogs pores, letting in moisture (including the Vitamin E Oil).[5]


  • Make sure you do not have an allergic reaction when Vitamin E oil is applied to your face (itchiness, irritation, inflammation, etc.). If you experience one or more of the symptoms, discontinue the use of Vitamin E Oil.
  • Do not ingest the high IU oil (400 IU and over is dangerous). Vitamin E Toxicity may increase risk for stroke and cause internal bleeding.[6]

Things You'll Need

  • Bottle of Vitamin E Oil
  • Water to Rinse Face (clean tap water works fine)
  • Cleanser, Baby Shampoo, or Baby Face Wash (if using)
  • Face Towel or Cloth
  • Brush or tissue to apply to face (optional)
  • Toner (optional)
  • Face Moisturizer (optional)

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