Persuade Your Parents to Let You Wear Makeup

You want to wear makeup, but need your parents' permission to try it out. Obviously, you need to be able to explain why you think wearing makeup will be good for you. Just as importantly, though, you should take your parents' concerns into consideration. They might worry that you're growing up too fast, but if you present your argument well, you can bring them over to your side.


Explaining Why You Want to Wear Makeup

  1. Choose the right time for the conversation. Don’t start the makeup conversation when your parents are busy or in a bad mood. Wait until they’re in an open, approachable mood to bring up your desire to start wearing makeup. Make sure they have the time to have a long conversation with you at the time. If you catch them at a bad time more than once, your parents might start to feel like you're nagging them. That never helps you win an argument!
  2. Maintain a mature tone.[1][2] If you act childishly, you’ll only make your parents think you're not ready to wear makeup. Instead, show how mature and responsible you are. Don't ever raise your voice, and do your best not to let your voice get whiney. If the argument isn't going your way, control your emotions instead of crying or yelling.
  3. Explain that makeup will conceal skin issues.[3] Your skin goes through a lot during your teenage years. The hormonal changes in your body might cause your skin to break out, and that can be incredibly stressful.[4] Explain to your parents that makeup isn't always about attracting boys. Concealing your skin problems until you grow out of them will make you feel more comfortable in your own skin.
  4. Describe how a little bit of makeup will boost your self-confidence. Research shows that women who view makeup positively feel stronger and more confident in themselves when wearing it.[5] You're at a delicate age, and your self confidence is very important. Without it, you might not make the best decisions for yourself. Your parents want what's best for you, and feeling strong is in your best interest.
  5. Explain that makeup will help you express yourself. Your parents might think that you want to wear makeup to attract boys. You need to convince them that you want to wear makeup to express yourself, not to fit the mold of what boys like.[6] Just like clothes and hairstyles, makeup tells everyone around you — boys and girls, young and old — something about who you are. This is about sharing something about yourself with the world. You're doing this for yourself, not for boys.
    • Makeup is just one aspect of your overall image. Encourage your parents to see it as ‘’part’’ of who you are, not as a defining feature.
    • You’re at a time in your life when self-expression is very important to you. You’re figuring out who you are! Try to persuade your parents that a little bit of makeup will help you explore your identity.
  6. Reason with them about how useful a skill makeup can be. Whether right or wrong, society judges women by how they look. Being able to wear makeup properly will help you succeed in the professional world as an adult.[7] Your teenaged years are a time to hone the skills you'll need later. You need to make mistakes like smudging your eyeliner or wearing unflattering colors at a young age, when the stakes are low. You definitely don't want to make them as an adult, when your appearance has more real-world consequences.

Addressing Your Parents’ Concerns

  1. Ask them to explain their concerns. Don't just be willing to hear your parents out — actively ask for their input in the decision. The better you understand why they don't want you to wear makeup, the better you can address their concerns.
    • "I know why I think makeup will make me feel better. Why do you think it will be bad for me?"
    • Pay close attention to what they say, and try to answer each of their concerns directly.
  2. Start small at first. Your parents might be worried that overnight, you're going to change from their little girl to a fully made-up woman. Ease that concern by starting small.
    • Say that you want to start with only concealer and blush to hide your acne.
    • You might ask for a little more leeway every year, as you get older. After a year, ask if you can add eye-shadow to your makeup routine, or eye-liner.
  3. Ask only for age-appropriate makeup. If your parents are worried that you're trying to grow up too fast, they might be right. Think of how silly your mother would look with bright pink lipstick and blue nail polish! She looks good in makeup because she wears makeup appropriate for her age. Explain to your parents that you'll do the same thing.
    • Ask for lightly tinted lip balms or glosses instead of a deep red, sexy lipstick.
    • Keep all makeup on your face light and natural-looking. You want to enhance your natural beauty, not change your face. Maybelline Baby Lips is a good tinted lip balm to start out with.
  4. Negotiate a deal with your parents.[8] You don't want your parents to think that you want something for nothing. Be willing to give them something they want in return for your makeup privileges. Some examples might include:
    • You can only wear makeup as long as you keep your grades up.
    • You'll take on an extra weekly chore around the house.
  5. Make makeup a bonding experience. Makeup doesn't have to mean that you're growing up and away from your parents. It can actually bring you closer together! Go to sephora/local makeup store or watch YouTube tutorials with your mom, you could look at products and find out what is acceptable and unacceptable. YouTube tutorials would give clear ideas of what makeup looks are okay and what aren't. Going into the store also allows for an associate to help find products that satisfy your wants and your parents rules.[9] Ask your mother to go shopping with you for the first time so she can teach you how to choose makeup. When you get home, ask her to help you practice applying it.
    • Get her advice on how to match makeup to your skin color.
    • Take her advice on what colors she thinks will look good on you.
    • Make sure to maintain a good attitude the whole time. By making makeup fun for your mom, you increase the odds that she'll let you wear it more often.


  • Wear makeup that looks more natural than dramatic, especially at a young age.
  • Don't go overboard; your parents will think you are overusing the privilege and they will restrict you so, you may not use make-up.
  • Be calm. If your parents say no the first time, accept it. Meanwhile, in your free time think of other ways you can persuade them to let you wear makeup.
  • Don't beg or complain if they say no. Accept that and try another time, not the same day though.
  • Suggest you small, with a bit of concealer and powder, maybe a light blush. Always apply lightly because if you put on to much it can clog your pores and cause acne!
  • Don't wear anything too bright and bold, your parents may reconsider.
  • Don't overdo it, maybe tell your parents you will only put on blusher for a start, then try working on mascara. Remember: never beg them, parents hate that.
  • If you are still waiting for your parents' response, experiment with makeup in your room so that when you are allowed to wear makeup, you will already have an idea of how to use it. Look up makeup tutorials on YouTube to help.
  • Start with something simple and that is not very extreme such as lip gloss.
  • Make sure it is a good time; do not ask if your parents if they are grumpy/moody.
  • Petroleum jelly is very useful for tweens whose parents won't allow them to wear makeup. Apply petroleum jelly on the eyelashes like mascara, and it will make your eyelashes appear longer. There are also many simple tutorials on YouTube or the Internet that allow you to turn petroleum jelly into lip balm or cream blush.
  • Ask your parents what makeup you can and cannot use.
  • There's no "right age" to start wearing makeup. Some people think 13 or 14 is acceptable, while others think that's too young. You might want to wait until 15 or 16 to ask seriously about makeup.
  • Start light like mascara and lipgloss and gradually build up to stronger makeup in order to let your pants get more use to you wearing makeup.
  • If lips can tend to be more red than usual, pat some foundation on your finger and apply lightly like lip gloss. Make sure it isn't to heavy. Then dab some off and apply a few pats of compact. Follow up by your regular lip gloss routine. The effect is a very natural yet appealing look.
  • If your parents say no, ask them what age do they think you will be ready to wear makeup. Then, when you reach that age, ask again.
  • If you are at a young age (generally before you start to get acne / pimples) you actually DO want to stay away from products like foundation and concealer. Makeup can actually cause you to get the acne and pimples earlier. Start out with something like a little bit of mascara, and wash your face thoroughly. This will make you look better, no makeup needed ;)

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