Pick a Good Scene Name for MySpace
The growing number of scene kids appearing on Myspace is outrageous and you'll want to stand out. Picking something original yet scene can be difficult, but with these steps you'll quickly have a new name to add to your image.
"Random" Method
- Write your first name down on a piece of paper.
- Grab a dictionary or thesaurus. Open it up to a completely random page.
- Pick a number from 1-25. Count each word until you find the word that is the number that you picked in the last step. For example, let's say you pick 18. You would count each word until you find the 18th word. If you run out of words to count to the number you chose, start again at the top. Don't go to the next page.
- Put the word in your name according to what type of word it is (adjective, noun, verb, or adverb). If it is an adjective, you may want to put it in front of your name. If it is a verb, you could put it in front of your name in the present form (e.g.: Living Stephanie). If it is a noun, you could say something like, '*insert name here* loves *insert noun here* (e.g: Melissa loves Bananas).
- If you don't like the name you chose, repeat the process.
"Pop Culture" Method
- Some Scene names are inspired by bands. Try Dance Danny Dance! like the band 'Dance Gavin Dance!'; Play Emma Play! like the band PlayRadioPlay!; or nevershoutkellie! from the band nevershoutnever!
- Using a last name from a popular movie or band among scene kids. Try Sabine Darko (from the 2001 cult movie Donnie Darko), Jeannie Saporta (from Gabe Saporta of Cobra Starship), etc.
Other Ideas
- Use a clever wordplay. This especially works if you name ends in "on" which fits in phrase that use "in" and "on." If you name is Allison change it to Allison Wonderland.
- Using your last initial and your first name. This is an uncommonly used scene name fad. Examples are like Anita K, Betsy O, Felicity P, Carly or Carlie V, Thora A, etc.
- Use a phrase completely different to your name. For example, you could put it as something like, Mel.hates.you, CupidKyle etc.
- Try to find a foreign last name and use that. Also, remember that just because you want a scene name doesn't mean it has to be outrageous.
- Utilize sites for baby names; they are a great help.
- Trademarks are used when you have reached the category of "MySpace Celebrity" and you have an original name. If a similar name is trademarked already, you may be called a poseur.
- Adding extra letters to your user name is awesome too (e.g: Allice, Caarla). Just do not overdo it. For example, don't put every letter in your name three times in succession. Not only does it look stupid, it makes you look like you're trying too hard.
- Try searching for "alternative" baby names to get something different
- Try to pick a name that no one else has. Being unique is key to being accepted.
- Sometimes you may think you are being original, but truth is, you may not be. You may want to search on Myspace the word you picked and see how many names come up. If more than 115 results turn up in your results, it isn't very original.
- If you see someone with the same name ex.Jennifer.Jealousy,Jamie.Jealousy or Backwards.Brittany,do NOT steal it.People will get upset and you will get haters.
- This may be difficult if you have a unique first name. If you want, you could just go by your nickname, or pick something that sounds close to your name.
- Avoid words such as "Gore", "Exorcist", "Terror", "Scene", "Suicide", "Suffocation", "Massacre", "Murder", "Catastrophe", etc.
- Don't get upset over people that "copied" your name. Other people will copy your name and just get a different meaning for what it means to them. Starting a fight over a name is not a good way to increase your popularity.
- DO NOT use a name that is already taken! If your nickname is Kiki, do not spring for the name '[[Look Like Kiki Kannibal]' or 'Kiki Kannibalistic'. Also, if your name is Allison, do not use the name "Allison Wonderland" as it too is taken. Or Mel.hates.you, or Sez Suicide, or Sabi Savvy. It will only get you haters, and you will be called a fake. Being called a fake will not increase your popularity at all! It might even hurt your feelings.
Things You'll Need
- Paper
- Pencil/Pen
- Dictionary
- Thesaurus
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