Pie Someone in the Face

If you like messy comedy such as pies in the face, try to do one yourself. Its fun and easy to clean up.


  1. Buy your supplies. You should buy paper plates or pie tins. If you use pie tins use crust. Then buy some whipped cream (cool whip is good) no spray cans such as Reddi-Wip or Cool Whip in a can. Shaving Cream can also work really well but make sure you use sensitive skin so it doesn't burn your eyes.
  2. Prepare your pies. Place a whole container of Cool Whip per pie. If using shaving cream, use as much or as little as you want. The more the merrier. If you are on a budget, Shaving cream is the cheapest way to go for the maximum number of pies
  3. Now take the pie(s) and gently push it into your or someone else's face. You can do a "pie sandwich" which means the person gets two pies on the sides of their head at once. So your head is 'sandwiched' between the two pies. Or if you have cardboard, you can cut two large circles in it and make it stand up. Get your victim to put his or her face in the hole. Have pies and cameras ready. Throw those pies! Or they can sit in a chair and you can throw them.Once you placed the pie on the face, mush it around even move it upwards into the hair. Once you put the pie down you can then clean the person up. Then for added effect, after the face is clean, do it again! When that happens its unexpected and really funny. Clean up with a shower.


  • Be careful about the force of the push but be generous about the mush(really make the person's face messy)
  • Have fun with it!!!
  • Let the the pied person pie the pier once the first person is done


  • Don't do it on a lactose intolerant person.
  • Never do this at school or in public because you may get in trouble.

Things You'll Need

  • Cool Whip or shaving cream (sensitive skin preferred)
  • Plates or pie tins
  • A pier
  • A pie
  • A pie crust (optional)
  • Towels

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