Rick Roll Someone

Rick Rolling is the art of tricking a person into opening a video of Rick Astley singing "Never Gonna Give You Up". Normally users posting such links will pretend that they are relevant to the topic in order to fool people into opening. If you've ever been rick rolled, you'll know how torturous it is. Next time there's a very annoying person in a chat room, start at Step 1 to rick roll that person.


  1. Find a website with the rick roll video. YouTube has several videos of them, and there are also websites that host the music video. Find one that suits you.
  2. Cut or copy the link to the music video you choose, and paste it into a tiny URL service. Some let you choose the URL. If the one you choose lets you, try to make it something relevant to the topic of conversation.
  3. Post the link in the chat room, and claim it's relevant to the conversation.
  4. Enjoy the reactions of those who were rick rolled.


  • Rick Rolling 'em again? Use TinyURL to hide the link you just sent them.
  • Rick Rolling works in internet forums, IRC, chat rooms, instant messaging, e-mail; whatever you please.
  • Remember to use tiny url if you want to shorten a website link that has rick roll as the url, like this, in a message: "Remember to check the financial cost of buying the item on eBay, I shortened the url since it it REALLY long: tinyurl.com/62atnu".
  • Be careful; you may get Rick Rolled back.
  • Avoid emphasizing a lot on what the link is supposedly about, because that could raise some eyebrows. Then again, don't go totally silent if people question you.


  • Your results may vary if you Rick Roll someone who actually happens to like Rick Astley's music.
  • They may not trust you anymore.
  • This will anger some users, so Rick Roll at your own risk.
  • By now, Rick rolling is considered a dead meme by some people.

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