Properly Clean a Room
Parents are always nagging their kids to clean their room. You may "clean it", but it still isn't good enough. The six simple steps to cleaning it properly are easy to remember: Pick up, dust, vacuum, and organize.
- Turn on your radio, your iPod, put on your favorite CD's, or any form of music. Music helps you clean faster. Just make sure its fast moving/rock and roll music as you don't want to become relaxed just now because relaxing a bit can make you lazy and not wanting to work.
- Picking up clothes, trash, and anything on your floor will really make your room look loads better. When picking up clothes, it would be better to put them in a drawer or in a dirty clothes hamper. Do not throw them under a bed or couch or in a closet; parents always notice when you do this.
- It's always better to dust before Have Fun While Vacuuming because the dust will get on the floor. Dusting will not always seem like it is doing a lot when in the act, but it always makes our room look better and sometimes adds a shine. You should wait a few minutes for the air born dust to settle on the floor before vacuuming.
- After you have dusted and if you have a bookshelf take all of the books out and dust that shelf if needed. Put the books back in, but not in any sloppy order, put them in alphabetical order (title or author it is up you, try to make it the easiest system for you to use).
- When vacuuming, always be thorough. There are usually lots of dust bunnies under beds and couches and in corners! If you have a rug on your floor, you can vacuum it then roll it up and vacuum the floor underneath. Vacuuming will make your room feel better, smell better, and taste better. Your room should already look a lot better.
- The last step of any easy to follow plan is organize your room. This includes: making the bed, putting items back where they are supposed to go, and possibly moving furniture around for a different look. After organizing everything you should be in top shape and looking good all over!
- Don't try to clean everything at once, or you'll get overwhelmed and will lose motivation.
- You have successfully cleaned a room. Since your room is cleaned it would be a good idea to keep it clean. When you get something out make sure and put it back, and keep a hamper in your room to put dirty clothes in. Next, have your parents inspect your room and maybe now you can go to the movies.
- When your room is clean, just to be sure, take a quick look at the room to be POSITIVE that your room is 100% clean, before telling your parents
- Think of positive things to make you happy to work faster.
- Keep a trash and recycling in your room. That way, you're not going back and forth between your room and the wherever you keep the trash.
- When you are cleaning do not keep the TV on because you will get too distracted and will not want to clean anymore.
- If you have multiple stuffed animals on your bed, make a game of tossing them back on your bed. (Be sure to organize them neatly, also!)
- Don't put on slow music.
- Do a couple exercises as you go (20 jumping jacks every 5 min or something like that).
- Don't EVER just shove everything into a closet or desk. That just makes more of a mess to clean later and if you happen to throw something in the mess that you need, it will be almost impossible to find.
- Always remember to put every thing where it belongs or where it is easy to find EXAMPLE: clothes in a closet or dresser, cds in their cases, makeup or other cosmetics/hair stuff in bins or boxes/bags.
- Make sure you look through every paper and anything else you want to throw out just in case you may have gotten an important paper or other easy to lose important item mixed in with the trash.
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