Pull a Wheelie on a Dirtbike

The wheelie is a very stylish trick and very cool. but, if you don't take it seriously, it can get you seriously injured.


  1. Get familiar with your dirt bike. Learn how it runs and to see if it's the right bike for you.
  2. Make sure the bike is in right condition and can even withstand the pressure you are going to give it while doing the wheelie.
    • Pull the clutch and pull the gas at the same time.
    • Shift into first gear and go slow. Pull back on the bike and slam down on the gas.
  3. Make sure you purge the gas enough to keep you on one wheel, but don't overheat your engine.
  4. Stand up on your pegs and keep your weight on the front of the bike since the front is going to be trying to roll back so you have to keep it balanced.


  • Be careful that you do not roll backwards.
  • If you feel that the bike is leaning too far back tap the rear brake to bring the front end back down.
  • If you have tried this procedure try this on a slightly inclining hill to get the front end up easier.

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