Race a Dirtbike

Are you sick of people passing you on the track? Well, read the rest of this guide, and you will be satisfied!


  1. Begin the race with a good mindset. Don't necessarily only focus on winning, however, which will make you nervous.
  2. Don't even look at the competitors at the starting gate.
  3. Stay focused. Don't worry about what so and so are doing, just worry about your race, not theirs!
  4. Look forward always. If you can't see the upcoming track, how are you going to go fast?
  5. Wear the proper gear (chest protector, boots, gloves, helmet, mixed shirt and pants and elbow and knee pads).
  6. Lean forward! The further forward you lean, the more traction you will get. But be careful not to loop it.
    • The further forward your weight is, the more "Stable" you will be, and you get more steering traction.
    • The farther back on the seat, the more weight on the back tire, and you get more acceleration traction. This is where you will "loop out" if it gets out of control.
    • A neutral balance over the pegs is a good start for overall performance, but you need to have a feeling of your bike's strong points. If you're already comfortable on your bike then you should have a good idea of what works for you... but if not, these are things that take time and practice to get down, and depends very much on the bike you are riding! If one thing doesn't work this race, try something else next time.. It's all for fun anyway!
  7. Stay calm. If you are in a mud race, don't let it scare you. Just lean forward so you don't loop out, and you will be fine.
  8. Remember that if you do lose there will always be a next time and the key is practice and patience.
  9. Follow a faster racer's line until you feel comfortable riding your own line. Once you can choose your own line your speed will increase and you'll start winning.


  • Turning is key.
  • Make sure you practice before racing. So that way you know how to actually ride and jump, etc.
  • The best way to improve is to be in the best shape you can so you can last the race.
  • Be careful on jumps.
  • The holeshot is an important part of the race but don't kill yourself trying to be the first one. You can always catch up!


  • Don't be stupid - be prepared! Make sure your bike is safe.
  • Start out slow, and work your way up!
  • If someone is coming up behind you don't move out of your line because you could move into his/her way and cause an accident! Only when you notice they are trying to pass you but can't, do you move over? (this is obvious if they are the much faster rider).
  • You probably won't be able to go as fast as the rest, so don't try. You could get hurt really bad.

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