Remove Weebly Footer

This article will show you how to remove the rather unprofessional Weebly footer from your Weebly website, just by editing the site's CSS. It should be noted however, that this technique may not work on all themes, especially responsive or more recently released themes.


  1. Log in to your Weebly account. Select the website you want to edit.
  2. Once logged in, click the "Design" tab near the top of the page.
  3. After that, select the "Edit HTML/CSS" button.
  4. You will be redirected to the "Edit HTML/CSS" page. Scroll down the code, until you find the "#Footer" area.
  5. Add the following CSS to the "#Footer" code. Save the code, and then you are done!



  • If you have Weebly Pro, you can just change or turn off the footer. In the "Settings" area.
  • If this method doesn't work, then add the below to the header code, and then the footer will disappear:
  • <style>

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