Remove a Melted Magnet from Your Car

Vinyl magnetic decals declare your personal message to society and identify your allegiances. When the substrate becomes worn or damaged, you will want to remove and replace it. Sometimes the decal adheres to the paint and becomes difficult to remove.


  1. Clean the decal and area of your car to remove any grit or dirt that would scratch the car finish.
  2. Warm the decal. Do not heat it. Use direct sunlight or a hand-held hair dryer rather than a heating gun.
  3. Lift the edge of the decal using a non-metallic blade, such as a thin plastic spatula. Do not use a metal razor blade or steel paint scraper. You may find a fine plastic blade or scraper among your kitchen utensils.
  4. Spray under the edge of the decal with window cleaner or soapy water to lubricate the surface of your car. Continue lifting and removing the decal.
  5. Clean off any gummy residue using a common adhesive solvent. Read label to be sure it is safe for automobile finishes.
  6. Wash and wax the area of your car to remove solvent residue.


  • If your car finish is rusted under the decal, you will need to enlist the services of a body shop. This happens when the decal traps moisture and contaminants underneath. Be sure your car is clean and dry before applying decals to avoid this type of damage.

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