Rent a Grain Truck

A grain truck is a piece of farm equipment traditionally used to haul or transfer specific types of grains. In most cases, grain trucks have large, easily maneuverable back doors to allow for easy unloading of grains and other materials. Like other types of farming equipment, grain trucks are often quite expensive. Knowing how to rent a grain truck can help you transport harvested grains while keeping expenditures relatively low.


  1. Evaluate your transportation needs.
    • One of the first and most important steps when it comes to renting a grain truck involves determining exactly what features you need the grain truck to have. While many grain trucks are quite basic, others offer a variety of features.
    • Some grain trucks come with extensions that allow you to lengthen the bed of the grain truck in cases of very large harvests. This could be helpful if you anticipate requiring large amounts of space, or if you are harvesting fields of various sizes.
    • Other grain trucks feature hydraulic-operated tailgates, an option that works well for individuals who are concerned about their ability to open, close, or otherwise adjust stubborn tailgates.
  2. Talk with your neighbors.
    • An easy way to obtain a grain truck is simply by renting it from a fellow farmer. Talk with farmers in your area who are known to own this piece of equipment, and ask them if they would be interested in allowing you to rent it from them. When making an offer, be sure to have a time frame in mind during which you will need to machine, as well as an appropriate amount of money you would be willing to pay for its use.
  3. Contact implement dealerships.
    • Implement dealerships are those which sell large pieces of farming equipment. In addition to selling tractors, plows, and other equipment, these businesses are often willing to rent their equipment for a fee. Contact the sales manager of the implement dealership in your area, and ask about their rental policies and availabilities.
    • As with renting from a fellow farmer, be sure to have a particular time frame in mind when consulting with the manager at an implement dealership. Be aware, however, that you typically will not be able to negotiate much on fees for renting this piece of equipment. In most cases, you will be required to pay whatever the dealership deems appropriate. Also
  4. Make a deal.
    • Regardless of who you are dealing with (a neighbor or a retail business) write up an agreement you'll both sign before taking the machine off the owner's property. Determine the exact dates which the machine will be available for your use, and when you will be required to return it. In addition, make sure that both parties are aware of how much you will be paying for the use of the machine before taking it off the premises.


  • Renting a grain truck is sometimes considered to be less than ideal, as you do not get to keep the item. Because of this, many farmers who cannot afford buying individual grain trucks have turned to purchasing "communal" items. The purchase of these "communal" items occurs when several local farmers pool their money for the purchase of a particular piece of farming equipment. If you know other individuals who are interested in this item but cannot afford it on their own, consider teaming up with them on its purchase.