Run Mac OSx in 64 Bit Mode

As of MacOSX 10.6 (Snow Leopard) you can now run your OS in 64-bit mode. By default, MacOSX ships running in 32-bit mode. This guide list the steps to enable running MacOSX in 64-bit mode.


  1. Boot your mac (laptop/desktop) into 64-bit mode. There are ways to boot your mac into 64-bit mode [1]
  2. From terminal run either of these commands:
    • sudo nvram boot-args="arch=x86_64"
    • sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ 'Kernel Flags' 'arch=x86_64'
  3. Both ways above will setup the machine to boot in 64bits in all the following startups. If you want to boot the machine in 64bits mode just one time, hold down “6″ and “4″ during system boot to load the 64 bit kernel (or hold down ’3′ and ’2′ during boot to use the 32 bit kernel)

How to Check It

  1. Use sudo nvram -p to view the current settings of your NVRam:
    • From terminal run the command: sudo nvram -p | grep boot-args
  2. To check to see if you are currently running a 32-bit or 64-bit kernel, from terminal run the command:"uname -m"
    • If it returns "i386", you are running the 32-bit kernel.
    • If it returns "x86_64" then you are running the 64-bit kernel.

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