Select a BMX Helmet

BMX is a great and entertaining sport. There are so may flips and tricks to do but safety is an important part to BMX. While you're out doing those fancy flips, you'll want to be safe. A helmet plays a big part in that safety.


  1. Go to a store with a sports section. Make sure they have helmets for BMX, not just cycling. A normal cycling helmet will only protect the top of your head, while a skate style helmet will protect the back and sides.
  2. Try on all the sizes to see which works for you. They come in all different sizes. Most of the time they sort it by age. You want a helmet that fits fairly snugly. That means it doesn't wobble when you move your head but if doesn't squeeze your skull.
  3. Pick the design. There are many to choose from. Different companies make BMX helmets and some also have really artistic designs on them, so pick one you like. If you're not into all the colours and patterns, you could always go for a plain helmet. You could even stick some BMX and skate brand stickers on your helmet to jazz it up.
  4. Test the helmet out. Once you've bought it, don't feel stupid when you're wearing it. You paid good money for a reason. Go out and have some fun!


  • Find a shop that has a large selection of BMX or skate helmets. If needed, look in several shops.
  • Ask around your local skatepark to see where everyone else bought their helmet. They might even sell them in the park.


  • Remember; every scrape on your helmet could have been your head or face.

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