Invent a BMX Trick

Doing the same trick over and over is bound to get boring, no matter how good you are. Rather than getting all discouraged and bored with BMX as a hobby, you could always invent your own trick. While it sounds tricky, there are a few tips below to help you out.


  1. Rate your level of skill. It's hard to make a trick if you don't know what you're capable of. Be realistic- know what you can and can't do, and don't shoot too high.
  2. Face the fact that most things have names. It's hard to make tricks because most of them already have basic names that just change depending on the number of spins, twists, positioning, etc.
  3. Decide what parts of your bike are going to spin. The handle bars, the bike's frame, you, or a combo of these things.
  4. Factor in flips (if you're good enough). Forwards or backwards?
    • Do you want to let your body fly off the bike then come back? Do you want to stick your legs over your head? Land facing backwards? Grab your back pegs? You decide.
  5. Figure out how much speed on what angle ramp will give you enough air, thus giving you enough time to complete the trick. This may take a few hours and bruises.
  6. Compare it. Check out other tricks and see what components it shares.
    • If it shares too many, back to the drawing board, yours would just be a variation.
  7. Accept the pain. It comes with the territory, you can't claim a trick that you can't complete.
  8. Complete it. Once you've fought against the odds and completed it, enjoy, and make it public.
  9. Claim your trick. If you want credit, send a video of yourself doing the trick to a BMX website and tell them your name and the trick's name.
    • Go to Wikipedia and making an entry about your great accomplishment. Include your name, date of event, a picture of it, a description, and you're immortalized!


  • Be creative with finding a new cool trick.


  • Inverted, spinning, and general aerial stunts are extremely dangerous and could end fatally if bad enough, do not attempt without a helmet, pads, and a friend watching.

Things You'll Need

  • Bike
  • Fearlessness

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