Send an Offer to a Buyer on Fiverr

This wikiHow will teach you how to send an offer to a buyer on Fiverr after they've sent you a message. This feature allows sellers to be active in their selling process as well as provide customized offers to others.


  1. Go to and sign in. You can use any web browser to send an offer to a buyer.
  2. Click . You'll see this in the horizontal menu that runs along the top of your page between "Community" and "Saved."
  3. Click the Inbox tab and click . The tab to change to see your inbox is at the top of the drop-down while the See All text is in the bottom right corner of the drop-down.
    • If your Inbox is empty, you won't be able to continue.
  4. Click to select a message from the list. The conversation will open in a new page with more options.
  5. Click . You'll see this at the bottom of the conversation.
    • If you offer more than one Gig, select the relevant one here. Otherwise, this is automatic.
  6. Describe your offer. Enter all the details for your offer, including the delivery time frame, the price of the service, and any discounts.
  7. Click . It's at the bottom of the form and will send the offer in the message. If you want to cancel the offer before it expires, return to this message and click Withdraw offer.[1]


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