Set Your Desktop Color in Mac OS X Lion

Choosing a desktop color on your computer allows you to personalize your Mac, and change the background to suit your mood. In addition to plain color backgrounds, you can also choose from a wide range of high quality graphics and photos which Apple provides, or even use photographs of your own.


Setting a Standard Desktop Color

  1. Click on the "Apple" menu on your Mac. Then, select "System Preferences...".
  2. Click the "Desktop & Screen Saver" icon.
  3. Click on the "Solid Colors" option on the left-hand menu. The right-hand pane of the window will show you a selection of preset colors.
  4. Choose from the preset colors. To change your desktop, simply click on the color you wish to set as your background. It should change instantly.

Setting a Custom Desktop Color

You can also set a custom desktop color if you do not like any of the preset ones.

  1. To choose a color of your own, click on "Custom Color...". Your Mac has a palette of millions of colors for you to choose from.
  2. Hold your mouse button down and move the pointer over the color wheel. A preview of the color appears in the box at the top of the window. Let go of the mouse button and your desktop will change to your chosen color. You can do this as many times as you like, until you find the perfect color.

Choosing a Graphic or Photograph

If you don't like any of the solid colors, you can instead choose a graphic or image to decorate your desktop.

  1. Click a folder on the left side of the window. Each folder is labeled "Art", "Nature," "Plants," etc." and contains a set of high-resolution photos to choose from.
    • In newer versions of OS X, there is only one folder, called "Desktop Pictures," with Apple-supplied desktop images.
  2. Set your background. As with solid colors, you can immediately set your desktop background by clicking on one of the choices.
  3. Choose your own photo. If you have photos imported into Apple's iPhoto application, you can also choose a photo straight from your iPhoto library from this menu.

Using a Custom Photo

You can also decorate your desktop with a photo stored elsewhere on your computer.

  1. Click the "+" button in the bottom-left of the window to bring up a "Finder" window.

  2. Browse to the desired image on your computer. Click to highlight it, and then click the "Choose" button.


  • If you prefer, you can also access the desktop background settings by right-clicking, or two-finger clicking, on any blank area of the desktop, and then selecting "Change Desktop Background...".
  • If you choose to use your own photo and it doesn't exactly fit your screen resolution, a menu gives several options, including stretching the image or centering it on your screen with a plain border.
  • If you like a touch of variety on your desktop, click the checkbox next to "Change Picture," and your Mac will cycle through all the photos in your selected folder at the interval your specify.
  • When you are selecting a custom color, OS X Lion offers you a selection of other ways to access the color available to you. Simply click the icons at the top of the "Colors" window to cycle through the other options, which include a color spectrum and a selection of colored crayons.
  • If you make use of multiple desktops via the Mac OS X Lion Spaces feature, you can select a different color or background for each of your spaces. Simply access the "Desktop and Screen Saver" settings from within whichever desktop space you wish to change.

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