Shave Your Legs Out of Water

Sometimes you have to shave your legs and you have no time to jump in the shower and do it, you'll either have to go out with hairy legs, or follow these steps. Which one?


  1. Spray your legs with water or use a wet towel to wet your legs. Not so much so they are dripping, but enough to get them moistly wet. Spray from toes to ankles and then start to spray the whole of your leg.
  2. Add some stick deodorant, (NOT antiperspirant!) To your legs. A deodrant stick can be used as shaving gel or foamburst but it's optional depending on how much time you have. As i said instead of using deodrant you can use shaving gel or foamburst for your gender.
  3. Squirt just a little bit of water on top of your gel/foamburst/deodrant. This step will help to moisture your legs and give you the feeling as if you were in a shower.
  4. Now shave your legs as you normally do if you were in a shower.
  5. Use a dry cloth or towel to dry your legs and get any hair off. Since you are not in shower you are going to have to use a dry cloth to get the extra bits of hair off. After this, you are just going to normally dry your legs with a towel free from hair.
  6. Once your finished use a after-shaving lotion or a body lotion to make your legs even smoother and moisturizer. Be careful NOT to use a lotion that contains alcohol or perfume as this will sting your legs badly.


  • This can also be used if you just shaved in a shower but you still have some hair left
  • Make sure you go upwards with your razor as it will get more hairs out.


  • This is just for "emergencies" so don't make a habit of doing this.
  • This is not recommended for 1st time people.

Things You'll Need

  • Spray bottle of water in it or a wet towel/cloth
  • After-shave lotion or normal body lotion (optional)
  • Razor
  • Shaving gel/foamburst
  • Dry towel/cloth
  • Stick deodrant (optional)

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