Sick Jump on a Bike

This article tells you how to bunny hop and "boost" at the top of a ramp.


  1. If you are attempting a bunny hop, at a slow speed (beginning), (standing) crouch down and bend your elbows and use your body weight to lift up the handlebars first and then at the peak of the h.b. lift, raise the back end of your bike. Sometimes this means leaning forward, depending on how dramatically you pull up.
  2. If you're going to boost it, when you're going off the ramp lean back a little bit more than you would as if you were just cruising over it. Right when your back tire hits the lip of the jump, pick up your back wheel towards your body.


  • As for a bunny hop, you want to experiment with it. Basically all it is , is throwing your body weight around along with the bike . Make sure you use all your body weight and make sure you don't do it with half of your effort. Commit with this all the way through and you should have it down in no time.
  • When you are boosting, don't think "Oh I'm here with my friends, I'll boost it to show off". All it's meant to be used for is to get you that extra foot or just enough to pull something off in mid air. Just don't flail yourself back. You should notice the difference when you do this. Again, you really need to experiment with it.
  • If you are a minor, have an adult accompany you on your first tries.


  • Always wear a helmet. You never know when you're going to take a spill. And if you think it's "Not cool to wear one", think again. If anything, pro's, or that kid down the street, will respect you for wearing one. So please do. Just find one you like and wear it.

Things You'll Need

  • A bike
  • A helmet

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