Draw Jack Skellington
In The Nightmare Before Christmas, Jack Skellington tries to bring aspects of the holiday season to a town based entirely around Halloween. Follow the steps below to learn to draw the Pumpkin King himself!
Frightening Jack
- Draw a stick figure of Jack.
- Add volume to the stick figure. Take note that Jack is very thin and has pointy fingers.
- Draw his suit. He has a bat-inspired bowtie and the bottom of his coat has five pointy tips at the back.
- Draw the face. He has eye sockets since he is already a skeleton. Draw an angle pointing upwards for the nose. Use vertical lines lined across a horizontal line for the mouth.
- Erase unnecessary lines.
- Color your drawing.
Friendly Jack
- Draw a stick figure from the head to the torso.
- Draw his suit. Take note of the bat-inspired bowtie.
- Sketch the face. Use a circle for the eyes, two short slanted lines for the nostrils and a long curved vertical line with horizontal lines lined across for the mouth. Add lines under the eyes to give him the wrinkly effect.
- Erase unnecessary lines.
- Color your drawing.
- Jack Skellington is characterized by his skeleton-like appearance. Don't be afraid to stretch his proportion by adding longer limbs, thinner and longer fingers, etc.--it adds to the character’s appearance.
- Make it as stitchy and edgy as possible for a better "Burton" effect.
- You can also forgo the pinstripes for a flat black suit. It's easier and doesn't hurt the image, since Jack’s outfit isn't too elaborate in the first place.
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