Make Peanut Butter Pine Cones for Birds
Whether you're getting into bird watching or you just enjoy hearing birds chirp outside your window, making a peanut butter pine cone is a great way to entice them!
- Take one pinecone.
- Spread out an old newspaper for easy clean up.
- Wrap a string around the top of the pine cone for hanging.
- Tie a knot in the string so it makes a loop.
- Smear peanut butter all over the pine cones with a spoon or butter knife.
- Sprinkle bird seed over the pine cones. It should stick to the peanut butter.
- Place in a plastic bag to take home put in freezer for one hour.
- At home,hang the pine cones on the limbs and branches of trees, the birds will love them!
- Try tying the pine cones to the tree for the birds to eat.
- Make sure that children wash their hands after doing this craft, or else you will have sticky brown hand-prints on whatever they touch.
- Do this project outdoors to avoid any messes.
- If you don't have birdseed, you can add shredded wheat or anything edible for birds.
- Don't use peanut butter alone, it is too thick for most birds and can cause choking.
- Do not do this at all if you are allergic to nuts. If you're a teacher or other caregiver, ensure that all participants are not allergic to nuts. Disallow anyone who is allergic or is unsure of their allergy to participate.
Things You'll Need
- Pine cones
- Peanut butter
- Vegetable Oil
- Bird seed
- Newspaper
- String
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