Stay Enthusiastic As a Guide when You Say the Same Things Daily

As a guide, it must be very troublesome to constantly have to repeat the same things over and over on a daily basis without becoming bored and still looking optimistic. Here is an article made to help people having problems with this difficult task!


  1. Smile. Sure, smiling all the time is complicated. But not many people are going to want to listen to what you have to tell them if you look utterly miserable.
  2. Try to find things about being a guide that make you happy. If you hate everything about it, then try harder to find something good about it. Enthusiasm, in most cases, is not/should not be fueled by hatred towards the topic!
  3. Be joyful at the fact that you are sharing very important information with people that they didn't know before they came to you. Had you not been their guide, they never would have known about, well, whatever you told them about.
  4. Alterations! Maybe you could change it up a little. Instead of rattling off the same speeches and everything, try switching some words around a little in certain places, and maybe putting things in a different order. This way, it keeps it fresh so you AND your public don't die of boredom.


  • If worse comes to worse, try being a guide at a different place, or get a job in a different field all together. Perhaps it is just not a field you like enough to work in long-term!

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