Surprise Your Girlfriend

It is easy for a couple to get so caught up in their lives that they forget to show their love for each other. A surprise is a good way to keep the relationship active and remind both of you not to take each other for granted. You could plan a special night together, come up with a personalized gift, or test out your cooking skills to surprise your girlfriend.


Surprising Her with Something Special

  1. Write-a-Love-Letter. As convenient as e-mail and text messaging is, hand-written love letters are far more sentimental. Letters are often more romantic and thoughtful. If you feel awkward saying these words out loud, your girlfriend will appreciate hearing them on paper.
    • If you wear a certain type of cologne, add a spritz to the paper before you mail the letter.
    • Try placing the letter in her lunch bag or slipping it into her locker.
  2. Tell her you want to help her relax. Plan out an entire day meant to comfort and pamper her. Prepare her meals, do her chores, and offer to give her a massage. You can schedule this day on a weekend, or you can make it a weekday.
    • This type of surprise works best if you and your girlfriend live together, but there are still ways to pamper her if you do not live together. For example, you could offer to buy her a cup of tea (if she likes tea) after school or give her a shoulder rub after her workout.
  3. Try an old standby. Boxes of chocolates, toy animals, jewelry, roses, or a bouquet of her favorite flowers are classic romantic gifts. However, don’t buy something at random – pick something she will like.
    • For example, if her favorite flowers are yellow roses, then give her yellow roses. If she is a big fan of peanut butter cups, then surprise her with a package of peanut butter cups. If she really likes giraffes, then give her a stuffed giraffe.
  4. Choose a more personalized gift. Get her a book by her favorite author, her favorite band’s latest album, or tickets to a play she is dying to see. These gifts show your girlfriend that you understand her well enough to know what she likes. They also show that you put more thought into your gift than settling on a typical romantic token.
  5. Make her a mix CD. This is an especially nice gift if your girlfriend has a commute that lets her listen to music or if she likes to listen to music while she is exercising. Burn a CD with songs that mean something to your relationship or songs that remind you of her. A third option is simply picking songs that you know she enjoys.
    • If you think she might like an extra personal touch, then you can even include a personal message to her at the beginning of the CD.
  6. Plan an outing. Do something she enjoys, even if it is not something that you like to do. For example, you could take your girlfriend out for a full day of shopping. If shopping is not something she enjoys, take her to a play or concert she would love, or try a museum, zoo, or botanical garden. Try to make whatever you do something that often comes up for discussion, but you never follow through with.
    • For example, if you have been meaning to see a new movie, check both of your schedules to find day that would work for both of you. Tell her you have cleared your schedule, and want to see the exhibit if she has time that day. If you were correct about her availability, she should be excited that you made enough time for the outing.[1]
  7. Make a photo or memory album. An album filled to the brim with memories of you and her together is sure to surprise your girlfriend. The simplest route is to give her a simple photo album filled with pictures that span the length of your relationship. For something a little more in depth, you can make a memory album that includes both photographs and notes about your thoughts and feelings toward her.
    • You can make this more of a scrapbooking exercise by adding, for example, ticket stubs and food labels that have sentimental meaning.
  8. Look for little ways to surprise her. Even small gestures will show your girlfriend that you care about her. Watch for little opportunities throughout the day to surprise your girlfriend. For example, you could:[2]
    • Charge her cell phone when she is not looking. If your girlfriend sometimes forgets to charge her phone, then charging it for her can be a nice surprise. Just plug it in before you leave her house or before you start watching a movie.
    • Give her a compliment. Compliments are always a welcome surprise. Try to give your girlfriend complements when she least expects them. For example, you could tell her she looks beautiful first thing in the morning or tell her she is brilliant after she describes the book she just finished reading.
    • Leave her a note in an unexpected place. Something as simple as “You’re the best!” or “Have a great day!” will put a smile on her face. Try putting the note in her planner or somewhere else that she is sure to find it.
  9. Host a gathering. Don't throw a surprise party unless you're sure your girlfriend will enjoy it. This can be a great way to surprise her on her birthday or graduation day, but only if she enjoys being the center of attention. If she can be shy, anxious, or introverted, choose a more intimate way to show affection.
    • Remember to invite her friends and family, not just your own.
  10. Get together travel information for a vacation. If there has always been somewhere you have wanted to visit, within reason, do some research. Get some brochures and figure out the costs of the trip. Find a way you can afford it and show your girlfriend that you think you can finally go on that dream vacation. Make sure it is a place both of you want to go, not just yourself.[1]

Sharing a Surprise Meal

  1. Be the chef. Few gestures are quite as romantic as the home-cooked meal, especially if she is usually the one who does the cooking. If you are confident about your cooking abilities, try making your girlfriend a gourmet meal. If not, make something simple like grilled cheese or ramen noodles. You can make breakfast, lunch, or dinner. The meal does not need to be anything fancy, but make sure that it is something she will enjoy.
    • If you are nervous about cooking a meal on your own, surprise her by bringing up the idea of cooking a meal together. The two of you can spend some fun time together, and the gesture will still be romantic.
    • Clean the table, use matching dinnerware, and light candles. This will show that you aren’t just getting the nightly meal out of the way, but that it is a special occasion.
    • If you have roommates or live with your parents, find an evening when they’ll be gone for at least an hour or two to make this date all about you and her.
  2. Surprise her with lunch. Show up at her workplace or meet her at her locker with a meal from her favorite café or fast food restaurant. Homemade sandwiches, wraps, or salads also work great. If showing up at her job is not an option, you could pack a picnic lunch on a random weekend and take her out to eat at a park.
    • Make sure to pay attention to her schedule. If she normally has lunches free, but has something going on during lunch every day this week, then you might need to wait.
  3. Take her on a nice dinner date. The restaurant can be a new place with good reviews, or it can be an old favorite that the two of you visit less than you used to. Moreover, if you choose a new restaurant, pick one that your girlfriend has expressed an interest in or that at least serves a type of food your girlfriend enjoys.
  4. Share a box of chocolates. If you don’t feel the need for a grand romantic gesture, sharing a simple box of chocolates is nice. Go to a chocolatier and pick out a box together. Keep them on your kitchen table and enjoy them over the next week. Discussing your favorite flavors and sharing samples are fun bonding activities.


  • You can enlist the help of one of your girlfriend’s friends to make sure she's free on a particular day, or to direct her to the right place. Just make sure that the friend is trustworthy and will not spoil the surprise.[3]


  • Think hard about whether your girlfriend will appreciate a surprise. Surveys have shown that many women do not, in fact, appreciate romantic surprises of almost any kind. The best way to remind her you love her in this situation may be simply to tell her how you feel.[4]

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