Survive Valentine's Day When You're Single

Valentine's Day can be a special day for couples. The air is filled with love and cupids are everywhere. But for some single people Valentine's Day can be awkward and distressing. Don't worry, this article is going to tell you how to enjoy this holiday.


  1. Remember that it's only a holiday. A commercially concocted means to sell more flowers, gifts, cards and confectionery, this holiday has a less-than-romantic origin. Okay, so it has become more romanticized over the years but it still isn't the be-all-and-end-all of one's worth in life and being single on a day that requires purchasing of goods and services to give to someone else should not leave you feeling a blithering mess.
  2. Be patient. Being single is part of the normal cycle of human life. Lovers come and go until the "right one" turns up and if we stayed with the first person who came along forever, few of us would be certain of the "right one". Be patient and accept that Valentine's Day only comes once a year and you will have plenty more of them! In the meantime, practice being loving throughout the entire year. Your fortunes will already be improving with a loving attitude toward all.
  3. Find things to do. Have a day with your friends. Watch a movie or go bowling. It will take your mind off Valentine's Day in no time.
  4. Enjoy a nice dinner. Whether it's with your family, friends, or just by yourself, have a nice relaxing dinner. Light some candles and have great conversations!
  5. Take a bubble bath! It feels great and relaxes you enough so that you forget why you were even sad about not having a date.
  6. Spend the night pampering yourself. Try gourmet chocolate and pedicures.


  • Valentine's day isn't the only event that takes place on February 14th. Ferris Wheel day is also held after its inventor, George Ferris, who was born on the 14th of February 1859. Try celebrating that instead of Valentine's day!
  • Remember that there will always be someone who likes you. It might not be your dream girl or your crush, but be "friend valentines" or something with someone. Just being able to call someone, anyone, even someone you don't like or only like as a friend, is enough to smile at.

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