Survive on Your Own in the Real World
There comes a time in everyone's life when you must move out of your parents' place and venture out into the world on your own. You’re excited at the thought of being able to entertain in your own space, decorate the way you want and go about your business as an adult. However, there are a lot of things you should know before living on your own to be better prepared to deal with the responsibilities that go with your new freedom. This guide is intended to help you make this leap.
Earning a Living
- Create a a Resume resume. In order to showcase your skillsets, you will need to have a resume. However, creating one can be difficult if you have never had a job before. You will need to look at your soft skills, experiences and background to help you develop a strong resume despite these deficiencies. Also, check out creating a resume when you have no experience.
- Make sure you don’t use distracting formats in your resume. Avoid fancy fonts and colors. Don’t make your resume too long—work toward it being about the length of one page.
- Showcase your skills and background. The hiring manager wants to know about your potential to be successful with them. Since you don’t have a lot of work experience, focus on things like your ability to meet deadlines, your customer service skills, professionalism, organization skills, teams and projects you have worked on successfully, fundraising work, hobbies, contests or competitions you have won. Don’t forget school grades.
- Write an outstanding cover letter. When you don’t have a lot of experience, your cover letter is one of the best tools you have to convince a hiring manager that they should interview you. Customize each cover letter to fit the requirements of the job position you want. Explain why you want the job and why you will excel at the position.
- If the job position calls for an organized administration assistant and you regularly organize everything on your desk at home in alphabetical order alongside a labeled file folder for finished work from each one of your classes, then go ahead and use this “hobby” as a selling point.
- Look for a job. No job means no money. No money means you'll be crawling back to your parents for a place to stay and a meal in your stomach. Understand that you may not get the first job you apply to but if you keep trying, you are bound to get something.
- If you are serious about living on your own, you need to be serious at looking for a job. Check local listings as well as online sites such as, Linkedin or Go in and drop off your resume. Fill out applications at places with open positions as well as those you’d like to work at. Do it every day of the week until you are offered a position.
- Call your contacts. Your friends, family members, neighbors, teachers and others may know someone hiring. Networking this way and letting everyone know you are in the market for a job can be a beneficial way to “get your foot in the door” somewhere.
- Look for a job doing something you're good at or that you can prove you’d be good at. You don’t need to be a perfect match for the position but if you know you can take phone calls and talk to people, then a customer service job at a call center may be a good fit.
- Make calls. After you submit a resume or fill out an application, you may want to increase your chances of getting a position by calling the company directly. Introduce yourself to a supervisor or hiring manager and let them know you submitted an application for the position. Connecting this way can make your application stand out when review time comes.
- Go to an interview. The interview is an opportunity for you to convince the hiring manager that you have what it takes to do the job better than all the other applicants. You want to use your winning personality to help you get the job position. Remember, your goal is always to get an offer.
- Why do you think you’d be great at this job? If you don’t have experience, think of personal traits you can bring to the job. Have stories of past experiences that demonstrate you can be successful, particularly with this job position.
- Be both confident and show humility. You need to convince them you can do the job but that you’re willing to learn as well. Know your strengths and weaknesses but always paint weakness in a positive light. For example, maybe you used to be shy but now you understand the importance of making connections with people and make an effort to greet strangers, make new friends and be an engaged communicator.
- Earn money now. Making money allows you to live on your own, teaches you valuable new skillsets, shows you what you will and will not enjoy doing long-term and provides valuable references. So do whatever it takes to earn money today. Don’t wait for that perfect job before making money. The job you get today does not have to be the job you’re doing years later.
- Wait tables at night, clean houses, deliver pizza or newspapers early in the morning so you can look for a job during day hours.
- Start your own service doing jobs during your off hours. You can choose to do yardwork, wash cars, walk dogs, chores or babysitting. The goal is to do these things regularly enough to earn enough money to support yourself.
- Consider non-traditional jobs like trying out for roles in commercials, movies, theater, radio and TV. Actors and performers are usually paid well and can make royalties.
- Check out temporary jobs. Temporary employment firms often hire individuals to do jobs in many fields on a temporary basis. You will be told how long the position will need you so you can get an idea when to start looking for jobs again. Doing temporary work gives you an opportunity to earn skills and make connections.
- Be positive. Do what it takes to get a job so you can take care of yourself. Job seeking can be stressful but you need to keep at it to be successful. Be confident that you can succeed at the positions you apply to.
- When you don’t have a lot of work experience, job searching can be frustrating as well for other reasons. Recognize that you may be limited in some ways but that you have a lot to offer in other areas. Focus on what you have to offer.
- If a lack of experience is continually coming back to haunt you in your job search, you should think about ways to earn that experience. Examples might be part-time internships or volunteering. It can be a bummer to work for free for a while before you move out but everyone has to start somewhere.
- Go to college. If you’re having a hard time getting a job or you know what job you want to get and it requires a degree, then college is probably your best bet. It takes time and effort to get your degree or certificate but the end result will likely mean you are much more satisfied in the workforce than you would be without that education. Take a look at inexpensive, local colleges to see what programs are offered.
- Many colleges have dorms that can help you learn to live on your own. Meals are often provided as well. If you or your family can’t afford college housing, financial aid can often cover some or all of it. Speak to your local college about your possibilities.
- Colleges also often offer work-study opportunities. These part-time jobs can give you the experience and references you need to get into higher level positions when you graduate. Work study is usually part of your financial aid package. Ask your financial aid department for details.
- Consider military or public service. The military and programs like AmeriCorps provide training, support and guidance for young people on how to live on your own. They can offer pathways for you to enter the workforce when you finish your term. Speak to your local recruiter for the branches you want to consider or check out for public service opportunities.
Budgeting Your Money
- Find a roommate. Sharing housing costs is a good way to save money and start living on your own. Ask around and see if someone wants to split rent and utilities with you. You might even decide to get several roommates to divide the housing costs further.
- Friends and family are the best resources when looking for roommates. You can also try sites like but be sure to check out each potential roommate’s references and do background checks before moving in with anyone you don’t know.
- Some apartments might be willing to provide two separate leases for each roommate so that you each pay the apartment complex directly.
- Some areas are less expensive than others. If you can find housing within your budget, then you may not need a roommate.
- Find a place to live. If you found a roommate who already has a place to stay, skip this step. Otherwise, venture out with your roommate and find some good deals on houses/apartments. You will likely both need to sign a lease or rental agreement.
- Call up the apartment complexes in your city and start asking questions. How much is rent? What utilities are included? Does the place come fully furnished? These questions give you important information that can ultimately lead to making a decision.
- Be aware that many apartments charge an application fee (usually $25-50) as well as require a security deposit and/or first and last month's rent. You may also be responsible for renter's insurance. Be sure you have enough saved up to cover these extra costs.
- Pay the required fees and sign the lease--a 12 month lease is standard but some apartments may offer 6 month or even month-to-month options, which can be good if you want to try out a certain location or roommate.
- When you have decided on an apartment, take pictures of the exterior and interior before moving in so you have proof that any damage existed before you got there. Keep the images along with the date they were taken somewhere safe in case you ever need them.
- Make sure you understand the rules at your new apartment--not following them can get you into trouble. Are pets allowed? If so, is there a pet deposit required?
- Make decisions. If you have a roommate, decide how household chores will be split up between you and your roommate. Decide how you and your roommate will split expenses. Simple decisions like these, if dealt with early on, can save a lot of trouble as time goes by.
- Establish ground rules. Discuss things like noise, chores, utility fees, smoking, guests and consequences of not following the rules. You may want to both sign a roommate agreement so that you are on the same page, understand what is expected of you and can avoid conflict later.
- Set up the utilities. If utilities are not included in your lease or rental agreement, call the utility companies and have them set up the utilities that you need. You will need to find out what companies manage the water, gas, electricity, trash, phone and internet services in your area and contact them to see how to get set up. You might need a copy of your lease, so be sure to have it handy.
- Bundle your services. Phone and internet companies often have deals where you can pay for multiple services at a discount.
- Because you are now paying for your utilities, you’ll want to be as energy efficient as possible. Buy energy efficient lightbulbs and turn off the lights whenever possible. Don’t stay up as late as you used to. Keep blankets handy for when it gets cold rather than relying on your heater.
- Create a budget. You will need to calculate all of your expenses (rent, utilities, food, etc.) as well as your income and create a plan of how you will spend your money. Money management is possibly the most important part of living on your own. You must manage your money so you will have enough money to cover your expenses.
- Do not allow yourself to spend more money on leisure activities (bowling, movies, eating out, etc.) than you have allotted in your budget. Otherwise, you may not be able to pay your bills.
- Remember to include incidentals into your budget such as gas, insurance, furniture, clothing, repairs, ect. Try to put a little bit of money away into savings every paycheck in case you need it later.
- Pay bills on time. You will need to check your due dates for every bill and keep a note of them somewhere. You will need to decide which bills to pay every month with a certain paycheck. Try to maintain consistent, on-time payments so your credit is not adversely affected.
Learning Life Skills
- Feed yourself. Your days of someone else providing your daily nutritional intake are over. You need to figure out how you are going to eat multiple meals every day on your new budget. It can be a bit challenging at first, especially figuring out how to eat healthy on your own, but in time it will get easier.
- Don’t live exclusively on frozen dinner and Ramen noodles. When you lack the nutrition your body needs, you can get sick, lose concentration and not have the energy you need to take care of yourself.
- Learn to cook. There are many recipes online you can refer to in order to help you figure out what you can make with what you have. There are also meal plans and quick meal ideas that you may want to check out. Throw together a bag of rice, some cooked chicken and spinach and you have a fairly healthy, quick, inexpensive meal.
- Make enough for leftovers. When you do cook a meal, make enough to last more than one day. Since there is likely to be only you and possibly another person or two, this shouldn’t be too difficult. Double or triple the ingredients. Refrigerate or freeze extra for later.
- Avoid spending money on fast food or going out to eat too often. While eating out is usually quicker than making food at home, it costs a lot more. These expenses can really add up.
- Take advantage of invitations. When a friend or family member invites you out or over to eat, take it! It’s a chance for a good, free meal.
- Do your chores. Mom and dad aren’t going to tell you to take out the trash anymore or clean your room. Now it is time for you to realize why they told you to do these things. Keeping up with chores is important to avoid smells and unwanted critters like roaches, mice and ants.
- Clean up messes every day, especially if they contain food particles. Sweep the floors, vacuum carpets, wipe down counters and stove tops. You’ll want to clean toilets, bath tubs, showers and mop at least weekly as well.
- Wash laundry regularly. Your clothes will pile up. If you don’t want to walk around in dirty clothes, you should probably do your laundry at least once a week. If your complex or apartment has a laundry room, great. If not, then you may need to go to the laundry mat. Check the labels of your clothes to make sure you wash them correctly.
- Do your dishes every day. Dishes can pile up and start to smell. You will want to wash them, either by hand or in a dishwasher. Don’t forget to dry them and put them away.
- Take out the trash whenever it gets full. The trash will smell and collect more and more refuse if you don’t close it up and take it out—not to mention the mice and roaches that will be attracted to your growing pile of debris.
- Teach yourself to fix things. Paying for repairs can get expensive. Luckily, if you live in an apartment complex, the landlord should pay for repairs. However, you need to know some basic things like where your circuit breaker box is in case the power goes out, how to change a broken light bulb and how to unclog a toilet.
- Shop wisely. You’re on your own now, and you need to buy your own food, socks and toilet paper. Pay attention to the inexpensive, off-brand names that give you more bang for your buck. If you buy perishables like fruit and vegetables (and you should!) make sure you eat them before they go bad. Make a list before you go to the store of the things you will need for the next week according to your budget and don’t let yourself get distracted while you’re there.
- Figure out transportation. Use public transportation, carpool, bike or walk, if you can. Cars can be an expensive investment that adds car payments, insurance, maintenance and gas into your budget. When you’re just starting out, that nice car you’ve had your eye on may not be feasible, especially if you haven’t built up your credit yet.
- Make new friends. Now that you're on your own, you will probably need to make new friends and social connections as well. Look for opportunities to meet people, such as classes, parties, concerts, work and events. Go beyond just introducing yourself and making small talk.
- Connect with people about things you're both passionate about. Look for clues that you might share something in common and have similar experiences or goals. Are they wearing your favorite team logo? Are they riding the scooter you always dreamed of getting? Are they studying anthropology like you plan to?
- The best way to find out about people is to ask. Hold a conversation. Be genuinely interested in what someone has to say. Be sure to share about yourself during the conversation as well to create trust.
- Face your fears. If you don’t like crowds, bugs or being alone, deal with your fears as soon as possible to make living on your own easier. Chance are, no one’s going to swat that fly for you or entertain you all night and day. You will likely have to wade through crowds at the store or at school or work on your own. Get used to it.
- Learning to live on your own takes time. Be patient with yourself and don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it.
- Do not run up your credit card expenses. Do without one if you can. Credit card debt is not something you want to get into, especially early on.
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Sources and Citations
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