Tag People on Facebook

In Facebook, "tags" are a convenient way to associate different people and groups with Facebook posts. Tagging yourself or your friends is a great way to share updates and memories with the people you know as well as their friends. Facebook allows you to tag people and groups visually (in a picture) as well as in text (in status updates and comment). Either way, the tagging process takes just a few clicks!


Tagging in a Photo

Not sure what "tagging" is exactly? Click here for an explanation.

  1. Find the photo you want to tag. You can find the photo you want either by looking through your own photos or browsing your friends' photos. See below:
    • One of your own photos: Click on "Photos" at the top of your home page. Here, you can browse the photos you've taken as well as the photos other people have taken of you with the links at the top.
    • A friend's photo: Go to the friend's profile and select "Photos" from the menu bar. On the next page, browse through the photos of your friend and the photos your friend has taken with the links at the top.
    • You can also tag any photo that you see in your news feed (or a friend's).
  2. Click on the photo. Once you see the photo you want to tag, click on it. This will open a larger version of the photo along with options for tagging it.
  3. Click "Tag Photo." On your own photos, this button is on the right side of the photo page (next to any caption or comments), labeled with this text and a picture of a tag.
    • If you don't see this option, just place your cursor anywhere over the picture and a popup info bar will appear at the bottom. Click the "Tag Photo" button in the bar.
  4. Click on the face of the person you want to tag. If the person you want to tag is in the photo, just click on his or her face. This will bring up a new popup menu.
    • If you're tagging someone who isn't in the photo, just click somewhere in the photo that's not a face (like in the corner). Facebook users sometimes do this to tag the photographer, for example, but you can also tag someone who has no connection to the photo if you think they should see it.
  5. Enter the name of the person you want to tag. In the text box that pops up, start typing in the person's name. A list of friends that match your text will show up below. Click the name of the friend you want.
  6. Continue adding tags if you wish. Once you've placed one tag, just repeat the steps above to add more. You can add as many tags as you want anywhere on the photo. However, you can't tag the same person twice in one photo.
    • A word of warning: it's sometimes considered rude or obnoxious to go overboard with tagging. For example, if you tag your friends in photos from a few years ago, they'll all receive a notification for something that's not "new" — many consider this slightly annoying.
  7. Click "Done Tagging" to stop. When you are finished tagging the photo, click the "Done Tagging" button at the bottom of the photo or to the right. You can also just press "Enter."[1]
    • If you've tagged one of your friends, you're all done! However, if you've tagged someone that you're not friends with, then you have to wait until the person reviews and accepts the tag before it will show up.[2]

Tagging in a Post

  1. Start typing a friend's name in your post. Tagging someone in a text post is similar to the tagging process for photos, but even quicker. As you start to type your friend's name, a list of matches will automatically drop down. Proper spelling and capitalization count here — mistakes can make it so that your friend doesn't show up in the list.[3]
    • You can do this for both status updates and comments. The process is the same for both.
  2. Select the friend you want to tag from the list of options. Click on your friend's name from the list to make a tag. His or her name will appear in your post highlighted in blue to show that this person has been tagged.
  3. Use the "@" symbol to tag a page or group. One nice thing about text posts is that, unlike photos, they let you tag Facebook pages and groups as well as people. In this case, Facebook won't detect that you're trying to make a tag automatically, so start by typing the @ symbol, then type the name of your group, like this: @Star Wars.[3] Click the page you want from the list that drops down.
    • You don't have to like a page or be a member of a group to tag these things in your text posts. However, pages and groups you are connected to will show up at the top of the list.
  4. Repeat as desired. You can have as many tags per post as you want. Repeat the steps above to add each new tag.
  5. Finish your post. If you want to, you can type a message along with your tags, or you can post your tags alone — it's up to you. Either way, your post won't be "posted" until you press enter or click the "Post" button.
    • One common way to use tags is to incorporate them seamlessly into your message, like this (italic text signifies a tag):
      "Having a great time with Jane Smith at @Davenport Beach."
    • You can also just put the tags at the beginning or the end of your message — this is also common. See below:
      "Having a great time. Jane Smith @Davenport Beach"
    • Finally, you can just post the tags by themselves without a message.

Mobile Options

  1. For the mobile browser version of Facebook, tag like you would on a computer. Virtually any smartphone with an internet connection can access the browser version of Facebook at m.facebook.com. To be clear, these instructions are for the browser version of Facebook — not the mobile app.
    • Tagging Photos: Open the photo and tap the "tag photo" button below it. Type the names of the people you'd like to tag (separated by spaces), then click "Done." You can't select specific spots in the photo to tag with the mobile browser.[4]
    • Tagging Text Posts: Virtually the same as for desktop — start typing the name of the person or group and select the appropriate option from the list that drops down.
  2. Learn how to make tags on Apple and Android devices. The Facebook app for Apple and Android has several simple tagging options. Both platforms use basically the same process — differences are very minor and noted below:
    • Tagging Photos: Go to the photo you want to tag. Look for a blue tag icon near the bottom. Tap the face of the person you want to tag. Type in his or her name in the text box, then tap the person you want from the drop-down list. For Apple devices, you may need to click "Done" to finish.[5]
    • Tagging Text Posts: Same as for mobile browser/desktop (see above).[6]
  3. Learn how to make tags on Windows devices. Tagging in the Windows Facebook app works very similarly to the Apple and Android apps. However, there is one difference when it comes to text posts:
    • Tagging Photos: Virtually the same as for Apple/Android (see above).[7]
    • Tagging Text Posts: Identical to Apple/Android except that you have to put an "@" sign before every tag — even for your friends.[8]

Understanding Tags

  1. Use tags to get specific peoples' attention. Tags are a way of creating a connection between a specific piece of content on Facebook and a person, page, or group.[9] When you tag someone in a photo or text post, people who see this content will have a link they can click to visit the page of whoever or whatever you tagged.
    • In addition, tagging someone will send them a notification unless they have specifically chosen not to get notifications from tags. This means that you can call someone's attention to your content by tagging them — the notification will link them right to where they're tagged.
  2. Be aware that tagged content will appear in your friends' feeds. When you tag someone in a piece of content, this content will often appear in their news feeds. It may also appear in the news feeds of people who are friends with the tagged person.[9] This is important to understand — you don't, for instance, want to embarrass a friend by tagging him in an inappropriate photo, as this will make it easier for his friends and relatives to see it.
  3. Adjust your tag's privacy settings to change who can see it. Luckily, it's possible to make it so that the the things you post on Facebook (including any tags you make on them) are seen only by the people you want. This is done with a tool called the audience selector, which only works for your own photos and status updates.
    • When you're making a status update or posting a video, look for a button next to the "Post" button with an arrow pointing downward. It should be labeled with your current audience settings (usually "Public" or "Friends"). Click this button and use the options in the drop-down menu to determine who can see your post (as well as any tags you make on it).
    • Note again that you can't control who sees your posts when you're commenting on someone else's photo or text.[9]


  • To remove tags of you in a photo, go to your activity log, then click "Photos" on the left. Scroll down and click the small check boxes next to each photo you want to remove tags from. When you're done, click the "Report/Remove Tags" button at the top.[10]
  • To remove text tags of you, go to your activity log and click "Posts You're Tagged In." Scroll through the list and find the post you want to remove the tag from. Click the pencil button in the top right of the post, then select "Report/Remove Tag."
  • Note that, while you can tag pages in text posts, you can't do this in a photos except for certain pages that have been pre-approved by Facebook.
  • Even if somebody has been tagged in an image already, you can get around the one-tag-per-photo rule by using a nickname for your next tag.
  • Not everybody likes to be tagged in photos on Facebook. This is especially true if the photo of them is unflattering or inappropriate in some way. If you're not sure whether it's a good idea to tag someone, send a message asking for permission first.

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