Upload Images to Facebook with a Nokia N Series Phone

If you're a Facebook addict, you've probably had moments when you took a picture with your camera phone that you wanted to share on your profile immediately--the birth of your child, your favorite sports team's victory, or your friend laughing so hard that his drink came out of his nose. In this article we discuss how to upload original images from any N-Series device from Nokia (with a Nokia N95 being used as an example) to Facebook from the device.

The easiest way to post to Facebook is to use a third-party site such as Flickr or Share on Ovi and add the site to your mini-feed on Facebook. The following is a step-by-step for people who don't use such services.


  1. Open the Web Browser by pressing the “Menu” key and scrolling to “Web” and press the center select key or “Options > Open. In some nokia smartphones you can press and hold "0" key to open web browser.”
  2. Type in the address www.facebook.com, press “Go to” and select the correct Internet connection.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page presented and click on “click here” next to “To access the main site”. If you login on this page you will be directed to the Mobile Facebook web site. Facebook knows you are using a mobile phone because the N95 provides this information upon connection with the web site.
  4. Know that when the page begins to load you will see the message “Javascript is disabled on your browser”. Ignore this message and wait. Javascript is in fact enabled (unless you have turned it off).
  5. Enter your Facebook credentials and click on Login.
  6. Press Yes to open the secure connection.
  7. Press Yes to leave the secure connection. Facebook has authenticated you and will begin loading your homepage. Be sure to bookmark the resulting page and select the "remember me" option, to speed future logins.
  8. From your homepage, click on the Photos link on the left.
  9. When the Photos page opens, click on the My Photos link at the top to view your Photo Albums.
  10. Click “Edit Album” next to the album you want to add images to.
  11. When the album has loaded, click on “Add More”. This will open the Image Upload application.
  12. Scroll down towards the bottom and below the Cancel button you should see, “Try the Simple Uploader”. Click this link. The Facebook standard image uploader utilizes extensions of Java that the J2ME (Micro Edition) does not support.
  13. Select the upload slot. You can upload up to 5 images at a time using this interface.
  14. Browse to the location of the image that you want to upload. If you see the item “Mass Memory”, you have a Nokia N95 8GB and this is your 8GB internal memory. Otherwise you will see your memory card.
  15. After you have selected the images you want to upload, make sure that you mark the “I certify…” box.
  16. Click on “Upload Photos” when you are ready.
  17. When the upload is complete, you will be brought to a page that allows you to edit the image caption and select tags for your photo (link it to your friends that appear in the image). Congrats, you are done!


  • On several pages, you will see a link that says “Upload photos straight from your phone”. This option uses MMS, however, and resizes the image.
  • When available, use Wi-Fi to save on data charges.
  • If you use several networking sites, or plan to change sites in the future, it's easier to upload your pictures and video to a site such as Flickr, because you can then post directly to your social networking sites from your photo sharing site, without having to re-upload anything from your phone.


  • Accessing the standard Facebook page uses a lot of data. The home page alone is over 1 MB. Make sure you are on an unlimited data plan with your cellular provider before you browse. This way you'll avoid a big bill later.
  • Using services like Flickr, VOX and Share on Ovi may make those images public by default. Make sure you understand the privacy settings of each service before posting an image that you do not intend to share with the world.

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