Talk Your Parents Into Buying You a Car

You're finally ready to get a car, but how will you afford it? Even used cars can cost thousands of dollars, and that's not including gas and maintenance! If you are a student or cannot work part-time, this cost may be too much for you to shoulder on your own. Your parents, having gone through a similar situation when growing up, are a tremendous resource, and if you play your cards right, they might even be willing to help.


Using Reason

  1. Evaluate your financial situation honestly. Do not let your desire or wishful thinking cloud your knowledge of fact and fiction.[1] If your family cannot afford the cost of a new car, asking to have it bought for you might be a waste of your time.
    • Look for signs indicating money is tight. Have your parents been talking about expenses more frequently? Do you rarely go out to eat? Have your favorite brands been replaced with knock-offs? These can all be signs that your parents don't have money to spare for a car.
  2. Determine the cost. Not only will your car cost money to purchase, it will also cost money for you to upkeep. Go online and search for car insurance quotes. You can also make inquiries at a local dealership about the frequency and average cost of oil changes. Pay attention to local gas stations, track the average cost of gas, and then estimate that cost by multiplying the average cost per gallon by the amount of gallons you expect to use in a week. This will impress your parents with your preparation and research.
    • Divide your total expenses by week, month, and year. This will assist you in making an effective plan.
  3. Draw up a plan. Now that you've figured out your financial situation and have done enough research to know how much your car will cost, you can start planning.[2] How can you contribute to car payments, insurance, and upkeep? Some ideas that might persuade your parents:
    • Working a part time job.
    • Doing chores in exchange for an allowance.
    • Making a car maintenance schedule.
  4. Offer to pay your part. This gesture might be required even if your family is financially well-off. Making regular payments and affording the weekly cost of gas are responsibilities that will ultimately fall on you in the future.
    • Your parents want you to be prepared to handle these tasks on your own. You can show that you're ready to take responsibility by working for your car.[3]
  5. Explain the benefits. Driving children between points A and B can be time consuming, but having your own car would help with that! You will no longer need your parents to drive you to extracurricular activities like band practice or film club. You can also volunteer to run errands like:
    • Picking up groceries.
    • Retrieving dry cleaning.
    • Taking a sibling to and from after school activities.
  6. Use persuasive language. There are many techniques that you could use, and a quick Internet search will put a more extensive list at your fingertips, but studies have shown that acknowledging your parents freedom of choice in the matter could drastically improve your chances.[4] Comparisons, like metaphors and analogies, will also give you an edge.[5]
    • "You and dad have the final say. I know that I'm going to need your help, and if you don't think now's the right time, I'll keep working on my end until it's possible."
    • "Remember how you told me about how you used to drive to your first job in that broken down car? I keep thinking of that, and how I could start my own job if I had a car of my own."
    • "We live in a rural area, and not having a car is like living on an island without a boat! I want to get out there and experience the world, and I think the only reasonable option is a car."
  7. Use your parents' values to your advantage. People are more likely to consider something valid if there is already the belief that it is important.[6] Educational and professional opportunities you can achieve with a car will be appealing topics to your parents for this reason. An example might look like:
    • "Mom, dad, I know how important my education is to you. But I know it's hard for you both to work and take me to my study group on Tuesday and Thursday. A car is a big expense, but I'm willing to work for it, and I think it'll help with college next year, too."
  8. Research a variety of cars. There's nothing wrong with aiming for your favorite make and model, but be aware that you might need to moderate your tastes for your first car.[7] Cars that are too fast or have poor safety features might strike your parents as reckless choices for your first vehicle.
    • Choose a range of vehicles spanning from trendy to sensible, from expensive to affordable, and ask your parents what they think.

Building Trust

  1. Invite parents to contribute suggestions to your plans. Getting your parents to contribute ideas for how you will get and keep your car can make them more willing to agree with you.[8]
    • Follow your parents suggestions to show them you are not only listening, but you are giving their suggestions high priority.
  2. Take on additional responsibility. There are plenty of small chores you can do yourself to prove to your parents that you are ready for a car. Choose tasks that make their lives easier, or chores that are obvious at a glance, like washing dishes or laundry.[9]
  3. Be true to your word. Take extra care to accomplish the tasks you have promised in a reasonable time. Ignoring these can indicate a lack of respect for the agreement you've made with your parents, which might translate into your parents thinking you will not respect a car.[10]
  4. Be firm, not overbearing. When you want something so much, it can be difficult for you to exercise restraint. Annoying your parents with request after request can upset your parents and potentially prevent you from getting the help you need to purchase your car.[11]
  5. Purchase necessary items beforehand. Parents worry that, in the event of an emergency, like a flat tire, you will not be ready. Begin making small car related purchases. Let your parents know that you are accumulating the things you'll need as a car owner. Items to consider:
    • Emergency jack
    • Tire-iron
    • Tire pressure gauge
    • Window scraper
    • Emergency flares

Improving Chances

  1. Ask your parents about their objections. Oftentimes, parents have specific arguments that they believe are proof of your lack of responsibility. It might be your messy room, or it might be fighting with a sibling. In any case, figure out what pushes your parents' buttons and address those issues.
    • Ask: "What can I do to show you I'm ready for a car? What can I do to make this happen?"
  2. Ask both of your parents together, if possible. A car is a major expense that your parents will likely have to decide on together. By asking both your parents, you show that you are aware that this is a major request and that you want to proceed honestly and openly. This can be a major asset, as it will promote honesty and openness in your parents as well.[12]
    • "Mom, dad, I've been thinking a lot about a car lately. I know that it's a big expense, but it's looking more and more like I'm going to need one sooner than later. What do you think? How should I start preparing? Do you think you'll be able to help me with the cost?"
  3. Use your parents' daily habits to your advantage. You might notice that your parents are happiest in the morning, or maybe they are most agreeable on the weekend after work. Take note of the time of day your parents seem in the best mood, and use this time to ask respectfully about your car.
  4. Ask after meals. Eating together helps promote social bonding which will make your parents more agreeable.[13] You can further improve your chances by setting and clearing the table, as small acts of kindness can have powerful positive impact.
  5. Outline questions and responses beforehand.[14] Think about questions your parents might ask and the best ways you can respond to these questions. Try to answer with specific solutions.[15] Specific solutions will make your responses easier for your parents to imagine, which can contribute to them saying, "Yes." Some questions to consider:
    • Parent: I'm worried about how you'll pay for insurance. We can help with the car, but we can't afford both that and the insurance.
    • Child: I've already put in applications at restaurants nearby. I was thinking I could work there part time before I get my car to save money for insurance, and then when I get my car I can drive to work to pay my bills.
    • Parent: We're concerned about you driving in snow.
    • Child: I found an affordable option for winter tires that have a high safety rating. If I saved up for those tires before winter and promise to only drive when I feel safe, would that make you feel better?
  6. Be calm and do not make demands. Try to engage your parents as an adult. You can do this by being reasonable, by not manipulating the conversation, and by not reacting aggressively. By doing this, your parents are more likely to treat you as an adult, which will give your words more weight.[16]
    • If you feel attacked or desperate, slow your breathing to calm yourself.[17]
    • It has been proven that re-framing your perspective can sustain your calmness when negotiating.[18] Re-frame negative emotions with a positive approach. You can think of fear as a kind of anticipation, or frustration as desire.
  7. Go above and beyond the ordinary. By doing more than is necessary, your parents will see that you are willing to do extra work for the sake of your car. Seeing your willingness to go the extra mile might make them more willing to help pay for your car.
  8. Pick your field of battle. There's a time and a place for everything. Take stock of your surroundings before asking the big question. Do your parents look angry, busy, or overwhelmed? Are many people trying to get your parents' attention? Better save your question for another time.
  9. Create a need. Join events, clubs, and extracurricular activities that require transport. The extra work of having to drive you around might make your parents more favorable to the prospect of getting you a car.
  10. Make a new car the responsible choice. One of the greatest worries parents have is safety.[19] By making a new car your safest option, you will also make it more reasonable in the minds of your parents.
    • Mention you're considering buying a motorcycle and its unsafe reputation might win your parents over to the idea of buying a car.
    • Argue that you don't feel safe walking home late at night, if applicable.


  • Be prepared to be told “NO!”

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