Talk to a Boy You Like for the First Time

Do you like him, but never talked to him? Do you want to talk to him? Do you want to know everything about him? Do you want him to know everything about you? Do you wish he comes out of nowhere and talks to you?

Well he won't, but this article may help!

Read on if you would like some advice/ tips on how to talk to your crush for the FIRST time! <3


  1. Talk to his friends to find out what he likes and what he hates.
  2. Be nice to his friends so they tell him how nice you are.
  3. Decide when to tell them.
  4. Decide what to wear.
  5. Don't be too obvious.
  6. Smile.
  7. Using subtle humor will put you both at ease and make the conversation flow better
  8. Make eye contact to show that you are assertive, but not for too long or it will get awkward
  9. When the conversation starts getting good, come up with a reason to exit, leaving him wanting more
  10. don't play dumb to get a guy many people have tried it. its just not a good method

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