Tell The Difference Between Slutty and Sexy
Everyone has their own ideas about what is sexy and what is slutty. If a woman wants to look sexy, she can. If a woman wants to look, or even act slutty, as long as it is entirely her choice to do so, she can. If you're not too sure if your outfit is looking slutty or sexy, don't worry, as long as you are happy and comfortable, go for it. If you're interested in what some wikiHow contributors consider sexy vs. slutty, read this article but remember, it's only what these people think, not the opinions of everyone in the world.
- Stick to this rule: Only wear one item of revealing clothing per outfit and don't wear anything that is extremely revealing, unless you want to. Revealing clothing includes: micro mini skirts, very short shorts, low cut tops, backless tops, long skirts with thigh high slits and crop tops. Not wearing any of these together is suggested. Pop stars and film stars are frequently seen in sexy revealing outfits though so only follow this rule if you think it is relevant.
- Ask yourself when you look in the mirror when wearing your next questionable outfit: Do I look beautiful or hot? If you said "hot" then you may need to change your outfit. There is a subtle difference between beautiful and hot that many people can detect which, ultimately, influences the perception of "trashy" and "sexy."
- Remember part of being labeled/called a slut is in the attitude and actions taken by a person. So if you skip the drama and quit acting spoiled and mean you shouldn't have problems with cute booty jeans and a cute top. You can be proud to be a slut if you wish. It's only other people who are defining your actions as slutty. Many people who bandy around the term slut have a very narrow minded, misogynistic definition of the term.
- Recognize that some girls who dress skimpy only are trying to get attention because they can't get it any other way. Dressing in a trashy manner often sends messages of insecurity and actually displays a lack of self confidence. Remember this when dressing yourself, if you think it's relevant.
- Everyone has different opinions and standards of modesty. While you should aim for a middle ground, what really matters is whether YOU feel good in it.
- The line between 'flirty' and 'tarty' often changes with the occasion. In more casual situations, you can be more lax about what you're showing. Be especially mindful of school related events, religious ceremonies, or any time common sense dictates that you ought to cover up a bit.
- Keep it classy. The difference between trashiness and beauty is just pure class.
- Most guys prefer to keep things to the imagination. If you reveal everything at once, they will only see you as an object, not as a real, mysterious person who they want to get to know.
- Never act as though you don't know that your outfit is skimpy, it really does look fake. When you wear something skimpy cover part of it and be aware of it. Some girls try to act like their little tiny skimpy tube top is normal. This is a way of trying to get guys' attention while pretending that they aren't. This is like pulling a thong above the top of a pair of jeans, it looks like it was done on purpose.
- If you love the little midriff showing tops or skimpy tops, here's a quick fix! Wear a cute blazer, or a cardigan of any sort. This will make your outfit subtle, yet still sexy.
- Before you go out look in the mirror and ask, "Would my grandma like this outfit?" If she wouldn't, go change.
- Sometimes even coverage concerned girls get called sluts..because of jealousy, so don't get it mixed all.
Things You'll Need
- New wardrobe
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