Thumb Wrestle
Thumb wrestling is a very simple game that can amuse children stranded without toys or at a loss for something to do. This is a two-player game.
- Prepare the wrestling position. Both players should place their thumbs in mid-air, facing one another. With the right hand fingertips, grab your opponent's right hand fingertips and clasp tight together.
- Have the thumbs bow. Start each game politely, showing respect for your opponent by bowing thumbs to one another. Yes, it's silly but it reflects the amusing nature of this mini-wrestle.
- The bows traditionally follow the cadence of the verse "One, two, three, four / I declare a thumb war!" and occasionally "Five, six, seven, eight / Try to keep your thumb straight!"
- Begin the wrestle. Try to catch one another's thumbs. It sounds easier than it is. Once the wriggling and giggling commences, this game is anyone's!
- It helps if you lie your thumb down and then go around you opponents thumb when they swoop down to press down
- Use your thumb to your advantage
- Pin down the thumb. The only way to win in this game is to pin down the opponent's thumb for a set count. A count of 5, at the same pace as counting seconds, is ideal. Any less is usually too easy. Another option is to follow the cadence of the verse "One, two, three, four / I win the thumb war!"
- Try some strategies to win. Distract your opponent as much as possible. Or bait your opponent by leaving your thumb down, maybe off to the side. Then, when he or she tries to catch you, catch first, and stronger.
- You can set up a "best of 3" round rather than stopping at one wrestle each time. Or choose your own number of rounds.
- It is also a great game to test out on weary parents; since it makes no mess and takes little time, they will probably be most enthusiastic about joining in.
- This is a good game for long car trips, for visits to places where children complain that there "isn't anything to do".
- No biting, kicking, or clawing allowed.... Unless you have an extreme will to win!
Things You'll Need
- Thumbs
- Humor
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