Play TEAMCycling

Team Cycling (displayed as TEAMCycling) is an invented sport where you use Power X bikes like the one shown. Below are the steps of how to play.


  1. Know how to ride an advanced bike. If you don't, you can look up "How to ride an advanced bike".
    • The advanced bike used could be a POWER X, or any other brand. A Huffy or Power X bike is highly recommended. Although it has to have certain requirements. The bike must be 17-Speed or 18-Speed. It should also have friction and shifting gears.
  2. Find the race location. The race takes place on a dirt road. The POWER X bike is a mountain bike that can ride on asphalt, dirt, and gravel.
  3. Know how many laps there will be. Laps are counted. Each race has 10-50 laps. Tournament races are 50-100 laps.
  4. Understand cautions. Since the bikers get tired, we have cautions. A caution takes place every 5 laps.
  5. Participate in the tournaments. Tournament races are held at the end of the season.
  6. If you win an entire season, you are given a champion name.

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