Turn Your Partner On
In the mood? Hot to trot? Want to turn your partner on and make them feel super fine? Do you want to just blow off some steam or have some tender relations with your partner? Well here are some tried and true ways to getting your partner feelin' the love.
For Him
- Romance her. Taking her out to dinner and a movie is nice, but that's not where the romance is: the romance is in knowing how to treat her right. Listen to her. Ask her about her day, and ask her what she thinks about her favorite subject—whatever that may be. (You do know what her favorite subject is, don't you?) Compliment her on her looks, on how she dresses, or the way she smiles, as long as you are sincere.
- Don't be too coy about the compliments. If that dress she's wearing makes her look hotter than Arizona in August, tell her. Don't be crude, but if she's packaged her assets to be admired, let her know that's appreciated!
- Flirt with her. Suggestive comments or even direct comments, sprinkled into your conversation, let her know that you find her desirable.
- Be confident. You'll find women prefer their partners confident, not insecure. This may require bluffing, but keep this in mind: the more you "bluff" confidence, the more confident you will become. It's sort of a win-win situation!
- Kiss her. When the time is right, and you'll know when that is, kiss her. Do not go for a tonsillectomy on the first kiss—you'll be the guy she still laughs about 30 years later—but don't start with little butterfly kisses, either. Kiss her like you mean it, and tease her lips with your teeth and tongue.
- Respond to her reactions: if she pulls away when you try to kiss her, it may not be time for that just yet. Go back to step one next time, and try again. If she does respond, pay attention to her body language. If she's kissing but guarded, don't continue to the next step until her body language lets you know it's ok to proceed.
- Touch her. Caress her body, paying attention to the secondary erogenous zones first. Dig your hands into her hair, and pull her towards you, kissing her harder. Bunch her hair in your hands, and pull (gently—don't be a Neanderthal!). Pay attention to her neck, shoulders, and arms.
- Talk to her. Tell her how much you enjoy being with her, that you love the way she kisses, the way she looks, the way she sounds. Let her know that she makes you feel good, too.
- Extend your touching. The inner arms, like the inner thighs, are fairly sensitive, and when kissed and stroked, can really start to heat things up. Continue exploring her body, gradually heating things up as you sense her getting more and more turned on.
- Use your own body language to tell her what you want. Pull her on top of you, so that whatever you want to kiss is near your lips. Roll yourself on top of her, and kiss her harder than you have so far.
- Remove her clothes, and repeat all previous steps. By now, the turn-on portion of the program is complete. We trust you to take it on your own from here. Don't forget to wear protection!
For Her
- Get as good as you give. Let's face it—turning a guy on is easy, and it doesn't take us to tell you that! But if you're in the mood, and you want him to really please you, there are things you can do to really drive him crazy.
- Romance him. He'll be giving you candy and compliments, and opening doors for you, buying you dinners and movies, and that's all part of what guys do. If you want him to keep doing that after you've been dating for a year or two, let it be know that you appreciate that sort of thing—or that you don't! Pretending is a sure way to kill any romance, if not in the short term, certainly in the long term. But for the sake of this article, let's assume you do. If he knows you like it, and you reward him with a kiss or a squeeze in the right place now and then, he'll keep it going.
- Dress for success. A little cleavage goes a long way. A lot of cleavage goes even further. Dressing provocatively will challenge him to keep his eyes raised up and looking into yours, will really help keep him in the zone, and can provide for some teasing fun as well.
- Flirt with him. Be suggestive, maybe in the way you lick your spoon, maybe by simply saying you think he's hot. Again, guys are fairly primal, and it doesn't take a lot to arouse them. Just remember: he wants to be in control, but you get to say how much control he has.
- Be confident. It's not a turn on at all to start kissing somebody who's insecure or not sure they are doing the "right thing." If turning him on is the goal, then show that. Don't hide your desires behind a wall of political or social correctness.
- Let him know how to kiss you. Once he makes the first move, kiss him back exactly how you want him to kiss you. If you want hard, passionate kisses, kiss him hungrily. If you want little love pecks—at least to start—give them to him, and gently rebuff any attempts at harder kissing until you're ready for that.
- Be aggressive. He likes to know that he's not the only one who is going for the gold. You don't need to knock him down and tear his clothes off—yet—but take the lead in the kissing department, and start exploring his body. If he works out, appreciate his physique. He'll like that, cause he's worked hard to be cut.
- Let him lead—under your guidance. When you're ready for more intimate touches from him, let your body language show it. Sometimes you may have to actually put his hand where you want it, but usually he'll get the picture.
- Make some noise. If you like what he's doing, you don't have to say "I like what you're doing." Simply say "MMMmmmmm." If you really like what he's doing, you can say a whole lot more. If you want him to talk dirty, initiate it so he knows it's ok.
- When he starts removing your clothes, if you really want to turn him on—don't let him. Instead, do it yourself. Purposefully, and seductively. When he goes to touch (and he will), deny him. Where he wants to touch you—you do it. Keep this up until neither of you can stand it anymore, then proceed with protection.
- Repeat often.
- Kiss him hard; guys love that.
- Make him want you more and more, but don't give in too quickly.
- Get to know your partner's turn-ons.
- Wear protection or get tested and verified clean before proceeding with unprotected sex.
- You must be willing! Don't do anything you don't want to do and don't let your partner force into anything. Stay in control of your limits!
- Run your hands through his hair to break the touch barrier.
- Girls love it when you look them in the eyes while talking and smiling. It can be a major turn on for them!
- Don't ever force yourself on someone!
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