Untag Yourself on Facebook

Has somebody tagged you in a photo or post that you don't think is necessary or appropriate, and want to remove that tag? Tagging is great for sharing photos and posts with others, but sometimes it can seem like an invasion of your privacy. To learn how to remove tags from photos and posts, or to turn on Tag Review, see Step 1 below.


Untagging Photos

  1. Open the photo you want to untag. Navigate to the photo that you're tagged in. You can use the Photos section of your Profile, or open the Activity Monitor to see when you've been tagged. Open the image so that it opens in a new window.
    • It used to be possible to select multiple photos to untag at once, but Facebook has changed its interface and this is no longer possible. Photos must be untagged one by one.
  2. Open the photo's options. At the bottom of the photo, you will see a few different options, including "Tag Photo", "Options", "Share", "Send", and "Like". Click the "Options" button.
  3. Click "Remove Tag". You will be informed that your tag will be removed but that the picture will still appear in feeds and searches. Click "Okay" to remove the tag.
  4. Report a photo. If the photo you are tagged in is offensive, you can report it to Facebook. Click the "I don't like this photo" option in the Options menu, and select the reason you feel it should be removed from Facebook. The photo will be reviewed by Facebook staff and they will remove it if they feel that it meets the criteria for removal.

Untagging Posts

  1. Open the post you've been tagged in. You can quickly browse for posts you're tagged in by opening the Activity Log. You can access this by clicking the down arrow icon in the upper-right corner of Facebook and selecting "Activity Log".
    • On the left side of the page, click the "Posts You Are Tagged In" option. A timeline of all the posts you've been tagged in will appear in the center of the page.
    • Click the post's link to open the post directly.
  2. Open the post's Options menu. Click the small down arrow icon in the upper-right corner of the post. This will open a list of actions you can perform on the post.
  3. Click "Remove Tag". You will be informed that your tag will be removed but that the picture will still appear in feeds and searches. Click "Okay" to remove the tag.

Reviewing Tags Before They're Posted

  1. Change your privacy settings. While there is no way to prevent friends from tagging you on their Timelines, you can manage tags on your own Timeline. Click the down arrow icon in the upper-right corner of the Facebook page and select "Settings".
  2. Select "Timeline and Tagging". This can be found in the menu on the left side of the Settings page, beneath the "Privacy" option.
  3. Turn on Tag Review. Find the section titled "How can I manage tags people add and tagging suggestions?" and click the "Edit" link next to "Review tags people add to your own posts before the tags appear on Facebook." This will expand the option.
  4. Enable reviewing. Click the drop-down menu that says "Disabled" and select the "Enabled" option. You will now be prompted to review any tags that people add of you before they appear.


  • Unless you have the entire photo removed, it can still be seen in the news feed and other places on Facebook. It can also be re-tagged. If you would rather not have that picture displayed anywhere, ask the original poster to remove it.

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