Use Kaffir Lime Leaves

Kaffir lime [Citrus hystrix, C. papedia] leaves come from the Kaffir lime tree, a lime tree native to Indonesia. The leaves are highly aromatic and suitable for Asian cuisines, including Thai, Indonesian, Cambodian and Lao cuisines. They are easily recognisable by their emerald-green, double leaf lobes, which makes them appear as if two leaves are joined together. This article explains ways to use the Kaffir lime leaf.


Choosing the leaves

  1. Obtain kaffir lime leaves. If living in a suitable Mediterranean climate, you can grow your own kaffir lime tree. If not, leaves and limes can be obtained in fresh and a dried form from Asian grocery stores and specialty grocery stores in many countries.
  2. Understand the finer points of kaffir lime leaves usage in cuisine. Kaffir lime leaves may be used fresh or dried, depending on the recipe or usage. Importantly:
    • The leaves should be used whole when simmering in soups and curries, and may be shredded for use in fish cakes or similar dishes. The leaf is rarely eaten; the one exception is when it is shredded extremely finely, such as for Tod Mun (fried fish cake).[1]
    • Fresh, tender young leaves are the preferred choice for salads; do not use dried kaffir leaves in salads.[2]
    • The midrib and stalk may be bitter in older leaves; if this bitterness bothers you, tear the leaf and remove these parts for cooking, including simmering.

Cooking with Kaffir lime leaves

  1. Use in cuisine. Kaffir lime leaves are perfect for adding flavour to Asian cuisine. They are highly aromatic and add their own elegant flavour to stir-fry, curry, salad and fish cake dishes. Some examples for use include:
    • Thai curry dishes and soups, such as Tom Yum
    • Indonesian curry dishes
    • Thai fish cakes, e.g., Tod Mun and steamed fish dishes, e.g., Haw Moak
    • Asian bouquet garni - make up with kaffir lime leaves, Cultivate Lemongrass and ginger as the bouquet garni ingredients and use to flavour stock
    • Krueng - a paste using Kaffir lime leaves as the base
    • Flavour rice - When cooking your rice, especially jasmine rice, throw in a few leaves. The flavour will be imparted to the rice.
    • Add to a marinade - suitable for chicken, pork or Roast a Leg of Lamb dishes.
    • Make a syrup - add a kaffir lime leaf to sugar overnight and use the sugar to make a syrup the next day.
    • Use Kaffir lime leaves in hot and sour shrimp soup. Dry the leaves under direct sunlight; this will bring out more aroma than using fresh leaves. Put the leaves in the soup for about 1 minute before you finish making it.

Other ways to enjoy Kaffir lime leaves

  1. Add zest to bath time. Add some fresh leaves to a hot bath. A delightful fragrance will waft from your bathwater.
  2. Bruise a few leaves and add to an outdoor citrus-scented potpourri. The scent will linger in the evening air when eating outdoors.
  3. Freshen up. Use a bruised kaffir lime leaf to rub over your hands. This will freshen them and impart a delicious scent to your skin. Naturally, test a small area of skin for reactions before using this treat regularly.


  • The availability of kaffir lime leaves may be dependent on the popularity of Thai or Indonesian cuisine. It is possible to order the leaves online.
  • Kaffir lime leaves are also known as makrut leaves, kaffir lime leaves or magrood leaves.
  • If you cannot get kaffir lime leaves, it is possible to substitute with fresh, tender young lime or lime leaves.[2]
  • Delia Smith recommends pounding dried kaffir leaves prior to use.
  • The leaves can be stored frozen for as long as you like; add fresh leaves to a plastic bag and place in the freezer. The other storage method is to keep dried kaffir lime leaves.
  • In recent times, kaffir lime zest has been added to Cajun cuisine.[3]
  • The leaves can be ordered online and sent direct from Thailand.


  • Known for a long time as Kaffir Lime, the Thai name “bai makrut” is now considered the much more politically correct term, as “Kaffir” in Arabic means “unbeliever” and as such, Kaffir can have derogatory implications.

Things You'll Need

  • Kaffir lime leaves, fresh or dried
  • Recipe requiring use
  • Chopping board and sharp knife if shredding
  • Other items as per use of the leaves, e.g., citrus potpourri, bathwater

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Sources and Citations

  1., Kaffir Lime Leaves
  2. 2.0 2.1 Asia Source, Kaffir Lime
  3. Wikipedia, Kaffir Lime

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