Use Voice to Navigate Roads on Android

When you're driving, you want to keep your eyes on the road instead of a phone. Android allows you to get spoken directions by asking for them aloud, so you can keep your focus where it should be- on your driving.


  1. Click on the speaker icon next to the Google search bar on your Android.
  2. Say out loud: "Navigate to ______," where the blank part is your destination. For example, you might say "Navigate to Boston" to get directions to Boston.
  3. Click "Go" to begin the navigation instructions. If the destination is unclear, you may have to choose your destination from a list.
  4. Click on the blue triangle-like icon to show exactly where you are currently on the map. The navigation app will now begin speaking out loud on to get to your destination.


  • You can also access the navigate screen by simply opening Google Maps if you aren't currently driving.


  • If you need to adjust your navigation directions, stop first before fiddling with your phone otherwise you'll risk getting into an accident.