Use an Android As a Flashlight

Modern smartphones can do a lot of different things, including acting as a flashlight in a pinch. If your Android device has a camera flash (and most devices made in the last few years do), then you can use it as a flashlight. Many versions of Android have the flashlight function built-in, but there are plenty of free apps that can help out if yours doesn't.


Using the Quick Access Panel or an App

  1. Open your Notification Panel. Many newer Android device's have a flashlight function built-in. You may be able to find it in your Quick Access Panel.
  2. Look for the Flashlight option. You may have to pull the panel down twice to display the quick access shortcuts. On some phones, you'll need to swipe the Quick Access icons to display a second set. If your phone has a built-in flashlight function, it will appear here. Tap it to turn your camera's flash on to act as a flashlight.
    • Note: the Flashlight function may be disabled if your device is low on battery.
  3. Open the Google Play Store if you don't have a built-in flashlight. There are a variety of apps that you can download that will turn on your device's camera flash to act as a flashlight.
  4. Search for "flashlight." This will display a list of flashlight apps that are available for download. You'll have a lot to choose from.
    • Note: If you are using an older Android device without a camera flash, you won't be able to use any of the flashlight apps.
  5. Check out the permissions the app will be requesting. Flashlight apps can be tricky, because many shady developers like to sneak in extra permissions that can access your data to be sold to advertisers. Before installing an app, check what permissions it is requesting. You can find these by scrolling to the bottom of the app's store page and tapping "Permission details."
    • Flashlight apps will require access to your device's camera, since the camera's flash is used as the flashlight.
    • Avoid any flashlight apps that can access your contacts or data.[1]
  6. Read reviews before installing. Reviews are a good way to see if the majority of users are experiencing problems with the app. You may be able to see responses from the developers as well.
    • Don't pay attention to claims of brightness. Your flashlight will only be as bright as your camera flash bulb. There's nothing an app can do to control the brightness.
  7. Download and install the app. Once you've found the app you want to install, tap "Install" to download it to your device. Depending on your settings, you may be prompted to enter your Google password.
  8. Run the flashlight app after installing. Most flashlight apps have a similar interface. Tap the "Power" or "On" button in the app to turn on the flashlight. This will enable your device's camera flash. Tap the button again to turn the flashlight off.
    • Your camera's flash will run your device's battery down quickly, so try to avoid leaving it turned on longer than necessary.
    • Some flashlight apps will allow you to turn your screen white instead, which is useful for phones without camera flashes.

Using Google Now

  1. Ensure that you meet the requirements. You'll need to be running Android 5.0 or later with the latest version of the Google app in order to use this Google Now command.
  2. Say "OK, Google" while the device is unlocked. This will enable Google Now.
  3. Say "Flashlight on" to turn on your flashlight. You'll see the Flashlight toggle appear in the Google Now app.
    • You can also type "flashlight on" into Google Search to accomplish the same thing.
  4. Say "OK, Google, flashlight off" to turn off the flashlight. When using Google Now, you can't disable the flashlight through the Quick Access Panel. You'll need to turn it off through Google Now. You can either say the command or tap the slider in the Google Now app.[2]

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