Walk Across Red Hot Coals

"Firewalking" is the act of walking barefoot over a bed of hot embers or stones. It has a long history in many cultures as a test or proof of faith.It can be fun and sometimes amazing to watch. It can also be extremely dangerous to walk across red hot coals so make sure you've read the entire article carefully!


  1. Prepare a bowl or bucket of cold water to cool your feet if you decide to stop or if you finish.
  2. Start your fire.
  3. Spread it around in a rectangular shape.
  4. Put on your coals. After that take some ashes and put them on top of the coals
  5. Wait until the evening. This is very important as to wait for the fire to cool down and become embers as well as to make the fire look hotter.
  6. The longer the coals have burned the better as to reduce the moister in the coals.
  7. Keep moving. It is very important that when you are walking across that you do not stop for any reason or else you will get burned.
  8. Do not run through as embers may stick to the feet and cause burns.


  • The coals should be burned for a long time so they are dry. Wet coals transfer and hold heat more than dry ones and could lead to severe burns.
  • Don't stop walking once you get on to the fire!


  • Even if you follow this article exactly there is still a chance that will get burned so keep some cold water ready should that happen.
  • Understand that the coals are extremely hot and this is a potentially dangerous stunt which could lead to severe burns.

Things You'll Need

  • Hardwood charcoal
  • Something to light the fire like wood or paper
  • Something to put the fire that doesn't burn
  • A fire shovel

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