Win a Demolition Derby

Demolition derbies are fun and exiting, and anyone from ages 16-100 can participate!


  1. Get a car. Don't get some old junker. Get something strong, but not new. If it has a good frame and an engine that runs well, then go for it.
  2. Demo Proof it. There are two class types, chain and weld. In chain class, no welds are acceptable unless otherwise stated in the rules for your particular derby. You need to put the battery in the trunk, chain the hood shut, switch to a gas bag and put it in the cab or interior of the vehicle, and tear out anything that is not necessary for running. Break out all of the glass, and be careful to remove all of it. Take out the horn, but leave in mirrors. Take out every seat but the drivers, and chain the trunk shut. Repaint if you want. Install a racing harness, a crossbar in the place of the windshield, and always make sure there is a safe exit route for the driver in case of fire or other incident.
  3. Get a helmet and some good goggles. You will want something to keep the mud, grease, oil and general grime out of your eyes in the derby.
  4. Drive and hit the strongest car out there. Hit head on if allowed, otherwise hit the passenger side front tire. This will knock out the engine if you do it a few times.



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