Win a Grapple Easily

If you do end up having to defend yourself in a fight (or in a wrestling match), grappling is a good way of getting your opponent into a vulnerable position on the ground. Follow these steps and you'll have a better chance of coming out on top.


  1. If the person is bigger than you, use a kind of rugby tackle to take him. Don't try to use headlocks or arm locks unless you are familiar with them. Aim to pull your opponent's legs away from him. If he doesn't have legs to stand on, he can't stand, can he?
  2. Aside from a rugby tackle, you can attempt a kind of Judo throw that will allow you for a nice side control if you are fast. Your opponent will usually be at a diagonal to you if he plans on punching or kicking. Step in close so that your leg opposite his leg closest to you touch, as close to the hip as possible (a little below the hip is best for maximum leverage.) Bend the knee closest to him, just a bit. Hook the inside of your elbow (the one nearest him, arm should be a V) under his shoulder, and use it to lift him weight up and over your thigh you (in that order, not necessarily simultaneously) so that he is flipped over your hip/thigh.
    • If you intend on teaching him a lesson by knocking him out cold, let the back of his head connect with the ground, not too hard. You want to show him not to mess with you, NOT mentally handicap him. Otherwise, get into a quick side control and throw an Americana on him. Unless he is experienced in Jiu-Jitsu, he is still going to be wondering what happened, and should not put up much resistance. Stop just short of a hyperextension and hold it there. When he cries, you can stop.
  3. No matter the physical shape of your opponent, tighten your neck and rotate your head back towards the tops of your shoulders and drive your forehead into their sternum as you attack the legs. Hook around the back of your opponent's knees to ensure that they fall down and your can keep your body in control. As you are doing these things try to literally run through their body. This will lay them flat on the ground.
  4. Once you have your opponent on the ground (assuming you are on your feet), either run or kick him in the upper body and chest.
  5. If you have fallen to the ground on top of the opponent, and you don't want to risk trying to get up, put your full body weight on your opponent's shoulders. This makes it harder for him to get to his feet. If you are on hard ground such as concrete or wood, hit his head back into it -- not too hard though, as there is a risk of death.


  • If you are fighting more than one opponent, distribute the pain equally doing maximum damage in short hard blows to their faces. Be quick!
  • If you happen to find yourself on the ground during a fight, cover your head with your hands and kick out with your feet until you get an opportunity to get to your feet
  • If you really want to win the fight - ignore all of the above and learn Brazilian Jujitsu. Grappling is for one on one confrontations ONLY. If you try to grapple in a fight with many opponents you will get stomped on.
  • If possible, walk away from the fight so that no-one gets hurt.
  • If on the ground , try not to let him cover your legs, roll them left or right depending on the angle so he does not have his full body weight on you and less force to hold you down .


  • Also note that trying to take a slightly experienced wrestler or grappler to the ground in the manner described by the author will result in them gaining control of the situation and putting you in a very vulnerable position.
  • This article will get you beaten very badly in a real fight. If you place all of your weight on the opponent's shoulders, it will be easy for them to roll you over them because your weight is not equally distributed.
  • Taking a wrestler or grappler, with minimal experience, to the ground in a fight is probably the worst move you could attempt to make. If you're not more experienced than your opponent on the ground, don't attempt to take them there. For that matter, just walk away if possible.
  • Don't fight unless you have to.

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