Become a Pro Wrestler
While many people dismiss professional wrestling as a hoax, a scam, or just plain "fake", there is a lot to learn about wrestlers and what you need to go through to become one of the monsters you see on TV on Monday and Friday nights. This guide will show a short-version of what needs to be done to make it big in today's world.
Get your head in the game
Wrestling as a business is an equally physical, mental, and social pastime. Before breaking into the following path.
- Understand that wrestling is not entirely "fake".
- Professional wrestling is not fake; It's not scripted either; the correct term is choreographed. The whole match is not scripted; typically only the big exciting moments are. There is no way to fake a fall, or pretend to break objects over your head.
- Many amateurs go into a wrestling school thinking that they won't get injured or that the ring will protect them from any harm. This is not true. .
- Learn to fight.
- Knowing how to react in a real fight can make your future wrestling matches more realistic and entertaining.
- Sometimes other wrestlers may get out of hand and your only option will be to fight back. Being able to remain calm in a high-stress situation will greatly improve the level respect you can command in the ring.
- Get in shape.
- Wrestling is an extremely athletic activity. While you don't need the body of a world class athlete, you must have strong cardio to prevent "blowing up" early into your matches.
- Forget about gimmicks, characters, angles, and pushes.
- Once you learn the basics and mechanics of a wrestling match, you can begin to develop a character. Promoters may choose not to hire you for any reason, including your inability to portray a different character than the one you created for yourself.
Get trained
Now that you've gotten the correct mindset, get some professional help from an experienced trainer.
- Shop around.
- Most independent promotions have several wrestlers that are willing to train new wrestlers, but this training will most likely not come for free. It is not uncommon for a wrestling gym to charge over $100 per session.
- Travel your state and find a wrestler that fits the style you want to wrestle in. Try to talk to the promoter of the company and let him/her know that you are interested in becoming a wrestler. Some promoters are nicer than others. While pro-wrestling can seem to be just like any other community-theatre, many "insiders" are not fond of letting new people into the business.
- If you are rejected, take it in stride. Continue coming to shows or perhaps ask to help with the technical aspects of running the show or working on the security team. As wrestlers and promoters get to know you, they will be more open to talking and allowing you to train.
- If you do not know where to find a local independent promotion, visit and search for results within your area.
- Be respectful
- Your trainer and all other wrestlers have worked through everything you are struggling with today. Listen to them and learn from their experiences.
- Don't ever give up. Follow your dreams. You are capable of anything and let no-one tell you otherwise.
- Never be put down by others, prove them wrong, use this to make you work harder.
- Never stop watching wrestling from both a wrestler's perspective and a fan's perspective. It is common for wrestlers to "call out" moves or sets of moves simply by the name of the person who created that spot. If you don't know the history of the business well enough, you may miss out on some of these important communications.
- Don't expect to hit it big the first tryout, everybody is rejected, even guys like John Cena and Undertaker, just keep trying and be persistent.
- Prepare to play the game. Wrestling is extremely political, be prepared to play with the big boys.
- Take an active approach to your physical condition. While steroids and other drugs may accelerate the growth of your physical readiness, they are dangerous, illegal, and unnecessary. Educate yourself on healthy muscle building and weight loss techniques.
- Listen more than you speak.
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