Write a Love Letter to a Boy You Do Not Know

Ever wanted to communicate with that guy in your class you never have met before? If you have a name and some general idea of a guy you like, you can write a love letter.


  1. Know what type of boy he is. Is the boy popular? A nerd? An introvert? You should find out what he's like so that you can choose your words and ideas accordingly. You wouldn't want to write the wrong thing to him and he probably wouldn't forget it easily if you did.
    • You could investigate what type of boy he is by walking casually pass by him and overhearing conversations. But don't appear stalkerish-- that can scare boys off entirely.
  2. Find out the boy's name and write "Dear (insert name)" at the top of the page. Make sure to address him by his first name or his nickname. Last names are too formal for a love letter. Don't use names like "cutie" or he might freak out. 'Cutie' makes it seem like you are literally obsessed with him, which can seem frightening.
  3. Talk about what you like about him and a little about yourself. Make sure to talk about both him and you equally. You don't want to come off as egotistic by talking about your own life too much. But still, pour out your feelings towards him. Don't forget to introduce yourself a little bit because he probably doesn't know you. Most importantly, be yourself. It would be awful if he loved you for who he thought you were, not who you really were.
  4. Try to use good spelling and grammar. Every guy loves to see that the person who is writing them is intelligent and careful. You could ask someone you trust very deeply to help you out with your spelling and grammar.
  5. Sign it "Love, (insert your name here)". If you wish to remain anonymous, leave your name out whilst hinting him at who you are. Don't sign it anything out of place or too girly because he might just as well freak out. For instance, do not say, 'Be mine forever' or 'I love you!' A simple 'love' will do.
  6. Try putting a picture of yourself in the card. Pick a picture that you think represents who you are well. This is optional as you might not want to reveal yourself too early. If you do not want to reveal yourself, consider drawing, painting, or writing something for him. If this is not ideal for you, maybe give him a picture of something that represents you: for instance, cats if you really like cats.
  7. Put it in something noticeable like a purple envelope, or something more discreet if you think he'll find it embarrassing, and have a friend give it to him or put it in his locker. If you don't know what his locker number is, you could also investigate by casually looking around to see where his position when using his locker usually is. Don't ask his friends because they will probably straight out tell him that some girl was curious about his locker number. Neither should you ask your friend because they might go annoy or tease you about it.
  8. If you're the confident type, find him, walk straight up to him and hand it to him with a smile. Don't talk too much to him, you will have plenty of time for that later. If you want to hear his reaction, but don't want to be seen, you can round a corner and hide there to listen, but that might seem a bit creepy.


  • Keep it short and sweet.
  • Don't tell your best friend to give the boy the envelope. If he knows they're your best friend it's a dead giveaway.
  • Sign your name. If you really love him he'll figure out that he likes you too!
  • Spray it with your favorite perfume.
  • If you're trying to be anonymous don't make it too obvious in the letter who you are and make sure not to include a picture of yourself.
  • Be yourself at all times.
  • If you don't want him to know it was you who wrote it don't run away when he is reading it!


  • Boys get suspicious very easily so be careful.
  • Don't sign your name if you don't want him to know it was from you.
  • He might think you're a freak and get really creeped out.

Things You'll Need

  • Nice handwriting or computer. (optional)
  • Perfume to spray your love note with. (optional)
  • Lipstick to kiss the bottom of your note with then he will know you really like him. (optional)

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